Super Storm

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It had just started raining but the strong downpour coupled with the howling of the wind and booming sound of thunder are bad omens to a typhoon that's approaching.

Both husband and wife are still awake as both are monitoring and checking updates on the said typhoon.

"Gosh, this typhoon is really strong!" She exclaimed.

He looked at his wife and was not surprised at the worry written all over her face. "You ok babe?"

She shook her head. "I'm scared. I'm worried. Look, the Philippines is nowhere to be found on the map." His wife was showing him a photo of how wide the area of coverage of the typhoon is, covering the entire country. "What will happen to the people living in low lying areas and in the coastal areas? What will happen to people with no shelter and permanent homes? What will happen to the animals and plants? What if there will be floods and landslides and storm surges?"

"Aww..c'mon babe, everything's gonna be fine. As for all your worries and concerns, I am not invalidating them but it doesn't help if we worry and we pity. It won't do anybody good. We could hope and pray that they heed the warnings from all agencies and that they'll be safe and ok too. We're gonna be safe, ok." He moved closer to her and hugged her tightly.

She nodded and snuggled closer to him. He enclosed her in his arms and whispered to her words of assurance, occasionally rubbing her arms and combing her hair with one of his hands until she succumbed to sleep. He smiled at the sleeping sight of his wife. She looks so peaceful in her sleep but he knows how her heart cries out to those affected by the typhoon. He's so sure tomorrow when she checks the news, she'd be so devastated and will be sobbing non stop.

He was slowly and carefully getting out of their bed to check on their kids when he heard a series of desperate knocks on their door.


"Open the freakin' door!"

His sleeping wife was awakened by the series of knocks.

He hurriedly went to their door and opened it. A scared image of his three kids greeted him. The eldest, carrying the youngest who's crying and who looks scared the most.

"Papaaaaaaaa!" The youngest one cried out as she reached out to him.

"Baby, it's ok, it's ok," he got the youngest from the eldest while he was assuring the little one that everything's gonna be fine.

"We'll be sleeping here, it's so scary! The wind is whistling so loud," the eldest ran to his wife for a hug.

His wife hugged his eldest tightly, "We're gonna be fine ok, shhhhh now, we're gonna be fine."

He was suppressing a smile as he watched his wife trying to calm his eldest even though she herself is worried and scared.

"Yeah dad, me too, I can't sleep alone in my room." His son seconded his eldest, while scratching the back of his head.

"No problem buddy! We're all gonna be fine." He assured his son.

"Papa, the weyn is so stwong, itsho shcary.." His youngest's tiny hands were clinging tightly to the neckline of his shirt, he could feel the little one trembling because of fear.

"It's ok, it's ok baby, we're all gonna be safe, ok." The five of them are standing by the door all huddled into a hug, as if that would make their worries and fears go away.

"It's kinda getting cold, let's go tuck into bed and get ourselves warm." He was trying to lighten the mood of his wife and his kids who seem to be rattled by the strong storm.

The youngest refuses to let go of her grip on his neckline even though his wife was trying to take her from him so she could cuddle her. He smiled knowingly, and in his mind he is screaming 'She's a papa's girl!'. His wife seems to read his thoughts that she glared then rolled her eyes at him. In between him and his wife is his youngest, his son was beside him while his daughter slept beside his wife.

The youngest snuggled closer to his embrace. And right before she drifts off to sleep, both husband and wife heard her sweet prayer: "Diw Gawd, puhlease pwotect us fwom the stwom. Keep papa pampu, mama shawa, ate yisha, kwoya woke and baby aywish safe. Amen!"


A/N: One week old in my drafts and I was hoping I could still add something to it but well, I think this is all what this drabble is all about. This randomly popped in my mind last week while hopelessly waiting for power to be restored in our area. What if AB is happily married and yes B is the best hubby to A and best dad/papa to their kids. Reminder, we are in AU.

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