Love Someone

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He reached for his phone and switched off the alarm. He wanted to get up already but the sleeping figure beside him who is clad in his white shirt has one of her leg on top of his legs and her head on top of his unclothed chest.

He took this time to watch her sleeping form. He's done it numerous times but he would never get tired watching her in her sleep. He tucked the strands of hair that are covering her face behind her ear and smiled at the beautiful creature sleeping beside him.

There are days that he would wake up and ask himself if he is living in reality, in an alternate universe or in a dream. Sometimes he thinks that she is only just a dream. In those days, he would pinch himself several times just to make sure that he is awake, that she isn't just a figment of his imagination.

He could see her long lashes though her eyes are closed, he could feel the rise and fall of her chest and her soft breathe fanning his bare chest. He could hear her soft snores and her slightly parted lips is tempting him to give her a good morning kiss. He smiled at the sight of the mole on her cheek, one that mirrors his mole on the opposite cheek.

He slowly raised one of his hands and was about to caress her cheeks but he stopped midair and was in second thoughts. He's afraid he might wake her up. He's afraid she would be gone when he touches her.

'Hey you! How did I get so lucky to have someone as perfect as you in my life? Thank you for coming in my life. Thank you for bringing light into my life. Thank you for bringing order into my chaotic world. Thank you for fixing me and for making me realize that there's more to life. You bring so much love and joy to me and to the people around you. It scares me you know, that one day I'd wake up and I might not see you beside me, that you'd be gone. It scares me that one day, I'd wake up and realize I'm just dreaming, that you are just a good dream.'

He slowly caressed her cheek. "You're real right? You won't leave right? You'll stay with me right?"

The sleeping figure beside him stirred and slowly opened her eyes. She cupped his face with her hands, "Babe, I'm here. I'm real and I would never leave you. I did say that in my vows right? And so did you. So we're gonna be sticking together forever."

He nodded. He was relieved and was reminded again that he isn't dreaming.

She gave him a quick smack on the lips. "Can we get some more sleep please?" As she returned to her sleeping position.

He obliged as he hugged her closer to him. He smiled. 'She is real. She is not a dream.'

She is his. He is hers.


A/N: Look what looping Love Someone (B's version) made me write. What if, this is the reason B thought of singing Love Someone in ASAP, haha!

Update: So unfortunately, ASAP removed the video of B singing Love Someone, so sad, so I'll just link here the original singer's (Lukas Graham) video. B's version is in Twitter so just look it up there.

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