I will find you...

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Two ~ I will Find you

 ♫    ♥    

 ♫ Luke's Pov ♫

I was sitting on the couch in the studio, wide awake as usual. Alex passed out from stress, and Reggie was distracting himself by watching mean girls with Julie for the 5th time this week.

I can't sleep without her. The past two months have been hell for all of us, As little as she realized it, Presley James had kept us sane, kept me sane. I haven't even been able to write any songs since she left.

I hope she is okay.

I get snapped out of my thoughts by a paper ball hitting my leg, "Alex I thought you were-"

I looked up to see Alex was still sleeping, so I picked up the paper ball and started to unfold it.

Holy shit! I mentally screamed. As soon as the paper was flat I knew it was her. Not by the signature, not by the handwriting (although that was recognizable too.) but by a few simple words.

"I love you Luke" the letter read. My eyes frantically read the rest of the note, temporarily skipping the song as I freak out..

"Holy shit." I whisper. Finally going back to read the song, as my eyes fill with tears.

♪ "Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends" ♪

"Why does this have to happen to us? To her?" I say to myself, apparently too loudly, because Alex wakes up.

"What's going on?" he questions.

"Presley... this note just poofed out of nowhere. Look at the song."

Alex reads over the lyrics. "We have to find her... I- she- she isn't okay." he concludes.

"The innocent never last." I repeat slowly. "She wasn't innocent, who was she referring to?"

"I'm not sure... I can't think of anyone, Julie? Maybe..."

The boys might've been close, but they didn't realize "the innocent." was the poor boy dragged into this by sheer wrong timing.

I snatched the letter back. "I'm going to sleep, we can tell Reggie in the morning."

Clutching the paper made it slightly easier for me to settle into the old worn cushions on my couch.. "I will find you... I promise."


Hey All!

I told you these two chapters would be short until my friend and I get the chance to figure out the season as a whole. 

I couldn't help myself from updating though, and I hope these two chapters are able to hold you off :)

As Always, please VOTE and COMMENT for more uploads!

xx Lee (she/them) ♥

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