Not So Clueless

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Five ~ Not So Clueless

♫   ♥   ♫

♫ Sylas POV ♫

"Should I let Julie know we are doing this so that the guys are not so clueless?" I ask as Presley, Willie, and I walk back in the direction of Caleb's club.

"Probably, you know those motherfuckers will do all types of stupid shit for their dear Presley," Willie responds.

"Yea... you should probably tell them, but don't go into detail... We don't need them trying to help and ending up doing some stupid shit."

"Also something they'd end up doing for their dear Presley." Willie jokes.

It's weird. All three of us know the severity of the situation, if we aren't careful he might kill me... or mom.. Or make P or Wills disappear, but when all three of us are alone together, it's like none of that matters. It's just us.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Ooooh who's that? Your girlfriend?" Presley teases, Nudging my shoulder.

"Close, It's Carrie... I gotta go, cya guys tomorrow!" I yell as I turn a corner and they keep walking straight.

"Hey Care Bear!" I wave to my phone, the girl inside not knowing how much joy she brings me.

"Hey Sylas, where have you been? We haven't hung out in a while."

"Sorry... Club stuff, you know how it is, they always keep me long hours." It sucks having to lie to my best friend, but I don't want her getting involved, so as far as she knows, I just work at some dancing club for old people. Not far from the truth honestly.

"Yea, it just seems more lately, whatcha doing now?"

"I have to go talk to Julie about some stuff about her band."

"Why Julie? Also how do you know the hologram boys,"

"Well, more like how to get them to be more present during shows, you do remember they are real people, just not here yet. I'm friends with the guys."

"Oh." she sounds sad. "Why are you helping her anyway? We should be working on Dirty Candy."

"I'm sorry Carrie, she's my friend too. But don't think I'm not your friend! You are my #1, my bestie for the restie."

She laughs at my jokes. "Just please don't leave me for Julie like Nick did..."

"I would never." I smile fondly at her soft features through my screen. "I'm sure you guys could become friends again if you both tried..."

"No, I've already ruined it. There isn't a point, I- uhm... can you come over later? It's kinda lonely without you."

"Awww the Carrie Wilson can't get enough of the snack that is Sylas James," I send a flirty wink to her and she just replies by laughing. "I gotta go Care Bear, I'm at Julie's but I will definitely come over later. Love you! Bye."

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