How to Kill Ghosts

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Eight ~ How to Kill Ghosts

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Walking. Walking, walking and more walking. It seems like that's all they've been doing all day. Willie and Presley walk along the sidewalk, pulling napping Sylas along in a wagon.

"Are we almost done?" Presley asks, out of breath. "I didn't know ghosts could get tired like this."

"Usually ghosts can't, but we are kind of being killed again by your father so exhaustion is just natural." Willie counters, not answering the question at first, "Oh, and yea we are almost done. Just need to get the flowers from Caleb's office."

"Oh thank god."

We walk in complete silence, only their labored breathing filling the air around them... well that was until they approached the stairs of the Hollywood Ghost club.

"How are we gonna do this?" Presley asks her brother,

"I'll grab Sylas, you put the shit in your backpack and poof into my room."

Luckily for them, ghosts were able to poof into the club, just not out of it. Presley nods, and begins carefully unloading the wagon... while Willie not so carefully picks up Sylas.

"Be careful before you break her head open!"

"Trust me P, she's the heaviest sleeper, see!" and Willie spun in a circle demonstrating Sylas's love for not waking.

♫ Presley POV ♫

"Sy is asleep in your room, hope that's okay... are you ready?" Willie announces quietly after waiting for him in his room.

"That's fine, let's go."

We would've just both gone to my room, but Willie's room is closer to Caleb's office, and my room is quieter for Sylas to sleep in.

We walked into Caleb's office, practically no one looked our way. After all, I am his daughter.

We knew now would be the perfect time, because its after school time so Caleb would be possessing Nick, and therefore out of the house.

"I'll grab the flowers," I say. The flowers were quite easy to find, just in a jar behind his desk.

While I untangled the jar from the rest of the containers I hear shuffling behind me, "What are you doing?!" I whisper shout at Willie

"Looking for anything else helpful." he shrugs.

I turn back to the jar I am untangling and start to speak up "I doubt Caleb would have much useful out in the open, I mean we are lucky enough to find the flow-"

"Found something."


I turn around, placing the now untangled jar onto a separate part of the desk.

'How To Kill Ghosts'

"That seems way too simple," I mutter. "There has to be more to it."

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