Ghost Dead

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♫ Three ~ Ghost Dead ♫

♫    ♥    ♫

♫ Presley POV ♫

Sylas, Willie and I are all sitting in Willies room, Willie is a sobbing mess again.

'I wish I could just tell him.' I keep thinking.

By the look Sylas keeps giving me, I can tell she feels the same.

"it's okay Willie, it wasn't your fault," she attempts to comfort the boy.

"Yes it was!" he wails. "I ran into him, I took them to see Caleb! I let them be alone with Caleb... it's all my fault!"

"no Wills it isn't. they would've been dragged into Caleb's scheme because of me anyway! if anything it's moms fault! he just wants to use us to get back at mom for whatever fucking reason!"

"that's it. I can't listen to you cry anymore Willie..." Sylas said, wiping her hand over her face.

I attempted to give Sylas a 'don't you dare' look in fear that Caleb will hurt her for telling Willie, but she just shook her head.

"Alex isn't dead."


"well... he's dead, but he's not dead dead... just ghost dead."

"and you guys just haven't told me?" Willie wipes his eyes. "You just let me think that the one guy i love ceased to exist... what the fuck??"

It was understandable that Willie was mad we didn't tell him about Alex, I would be mad too.. However, the only words that came out of my mouth was "Love? Willie, you love him?"

"Of course i fucking love him! how could I not? But that isn't the point!"

Willie continued to fight with himself and get his anger out for a good 10 minutes while Sylas and myself just watched. All until Willie seemed to have an ideas

"Hold on.. you didnt tell me because of caleb right?" he asks, we nod in confirmation.

"and he doesn't know i know... and I have the most freedom.."

"Willie where are you going with this?" I ask.

"I think we can get back to the guys." This statement was mainly to me and I knew it, but Sylas seemed to get what he was saying too.

"do you two have some ghost spider senses i'm not aware of?" Sylas half jokes, although i didn't catch on as Willie laughed,

"what?" then i remembered "oh like spider-man?"

the two laughed at my obliviousness for a minute before we got to work at ideas on how to get back to the boys.

"okay okay... Reggie, Luke and I went to this ghost library like place off of main a while ago to see why Flynn could see me, do you think that place could help?"

Sylas and Willie's eyes lit up. "perfect!" the two said in unison.

"okay so if we have Presley ask Caleb for both of us to accompany her to a library for Sylas' school work... he should say yes." Willie plans out.

"Why me?"

"because believe it or not, the dickwad has a soft spot for his dear 'ole daughter." Sylas half jokes.

"I never noticed."

"We did," the two said insync again.

"oh my god you need to stop doing that!" the three laugh.

Despite the bad circumstances, the James children were all able to cheer each other up.

"Now go ask your spawn of satan father if you can take us to the library!" Willie pushes me

"and try using those Puppy dog eyes Reggie loves to pull!" Sylas calls after me.

'she really has been hanging around them too much without me.'

"Dad?" I question as I walk into the man I am forced to call my father.

"Presley my darling! what can I do for you?" The faux niceness almost made me scoff, but I cleared my throat instead and began to speak.

"I was hoping you'd let me and Willie accompany Sylas to the Library to help her with school, you remember how calculus was my favorite?"

Caleb nodded to the Calculus bit.

"Well it's definitely not Sylas' strong suit" I thought joking would be the key to him letting me go, so i'm even able to pull a smile.

It worked. He laughed.

"Willie is going?" I nod. "then I suppose. since he doesn't know of Alex, i can trust you won't be going after those boys."

I fake squealed, and gave him a hug that almost made me vomit.

'Butter him up Presley... Be daddy's little girl for five seconds'

"Eeeeee! thank you daddy!"

"yes, yes. now go!"

I walk back into Willie's room, my two siblings anxiously awaiting the answer from Caleb.

"I feel like I need to shower in bleach." I groan, and my face twists in disgust.

"why? what happened?

"what did he say?" Willie and Sylas said at the same time.

"he said yes, but I had to act all 'omg i love you' for it to work, I HAD TO HUG HIM!"

"aww poor thing... I'd comfort you but I don't need no Caleb Germs on me." Sylas lightens up the mood.

"Okay gross, but can we go now?"

"YES!" The two girls say.


Hey All! 

I'M BACK BABES!! I actually wrote this chapter on a five hour flight lol, I am very tired.

I missed writing for you all so much the past 2 weeks and I am glad to be back! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and there is more to come very very soon!

xoxo Lee (She/Them) ♥

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