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Twenty ~ Epilogue

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It has been a few weeks since the group last hung out as a whole. Being on tour makes that kind of difficult.

We're currently on our way to san francisco for our last stop in California before heading into the rest of the country.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours sweets?" Luke asks, his arm draped over my shoulders in the tour bus.

"Nothing, just wondering how the fuck were getting to do this.'' Everyone looked at me funny, "No I mean, all of us are dead, except for Julie and flynn. And this is bigger than what we've ever dreamed of!"

My group of friends smiled up to me, knowing my disbelief well because they were all feeling the same way. "I get it pres, I mean if you told me 2 years ago that 4 ghosts would help me pursue my dream I would call you crazy."

"I'm a manager of a ghost band." Flynn breathed, like it was just dawning on her. "That sounds so much cooler than just saying it in my head."

We all laugh. There's a lot of laughing. Were all so close, it seems like we've known each other forever, when in reality we've only been friends for a year and a few months.

How did we get so lucky. That was a question asked by the ghosts frequently through the whole tour.

Every night the teenagers were in a new place, every few days they were playing on stage to large screaming crowds, the feeling was euphoric. It was like a dream.

When they weren't playing, they were writing new songs. Tour was a very go go go environment, but they embraced that with open arms, ready for all of it.

"THANK YOU HOUSTON!" Luke screams into the microphone. One more night of tour done.

Presley started a tradition back in San Francisco, where at the end of every show, she kissed Luke. The couple was highly 'shipped' by their fans, and both teens were heavily loved on their own as well.

"Another night down." Flynn cheers as they all walk off stage. "Oh, ew your all sweaty."

"You would think you would learn after so many shows that we're sweaty after" Alex laughs.

So much laughter, and so much joy was constantly coursing through the bands veins. There was never a dull moment.

And none of them were ready for it to end. "Sweets? You coming?"

"Yea. lets go."


Hello All,

we have made it to the end. I know this chapter is short, but If I kept writing I would have never stopped. And I know I can't drag this book on endlessly. 

I am extremely grateful for all of your support, thank you for Voting and Commenting, and for reading. You all mean the world to me. thank you.

xoxo Lee ♥

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