Most beautiful thing.

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Fifteen ~ Most Beautiful thing.

♫   ♥    ♫

warning: spice... lots of spice, I'll put another warning before the scene starts. also the picture is there because sweaty luke is very relavent ;)

It's been awhile. a whole month to be exact, and none of us could be happier.

It took awhile, but we convinced Tía we aren't Demons, and convinced ourselves to not ghost strangle Trev- Bobby... uh-Carries Dad.

Julie's dad remembered me, that was a trip. the whole interaction went a little like this.


"Dad... I have some people you might want to meet." Julie announces, deciding its time to re-introduce sunset curve to Ray Molina.

a Happy Clap erupts from the kitchen, "Okay mija, bring them here i'm making dinner!" you can practically hear the smile he is wearing.

The ghosts and Julie walk into the Molina's kitchen, and Ray Drops the spatula. "This is the- your band... i thought they were holograms?"

"Yea.. Well, they're here now. Surprise!" Julie giggles awkwardly. "uhm- this is Luke, Reggie, Presley, and Alex."

Hearing My name made Ray gasp.

we hadn't exactly told Julie I knew her dad..

"Presley? no. Presley James!?" He starts to cry, and runs over to me. "how? you're supposed to be dead. holy shit, sorry. but oh my! you- you're all. I knew you looked familiar, i- I didn't know it was actually you!"

He hugs me tight, and i feel his spirit glowing. Like now that he recognized me, he recreated some bond between us. "You're ghosts. How can I touch you. You're all ghosts,"

He steps back momentarily. "never mind! I don't want to know..." he smiles and hugs me again, whispering in my ear, "have you seen your mother."

i shake my head and whisper back "I am never speaking to her again."

He seems to chuckle and say "good," but I could be mistaken.

Ray steps back again, and Looks at all of us. then looks back to his food, and back at us. "can you eat?"


Ray was hesitant at first when hearing about Julie and Reggie's Relationship, but quickly accepted it knowing that if he didn't allow it, Julie would continue the relationship anyway.

"you're too much like your mother, I know you would date him anyway." he said, and laughed, "but Reggie if you hurt her-"

"then you have Ray, and a bunch of ghosts who will beat your ass." I finish, "Sorry Reg." the whole group laughed.

Being alive again felt like Bliss. Being able to eat, to feel, and somehow, still keep up the hologram act.

We didn't know how it would work, but we all seem to still carry some ghost abilities. like the universe Couldn't decide for us to be human or ghost.

we could go invisible when we wanted, and poof onto stage. We got Julie a more believable projector, and overall, not many people questioned us.

warning: spice begins now ;) and extends for the remainder of the chapter.

"are you okay Sweets?" Luke asked.

"Of Course Bugs." I was laying in his lap, we were alone in the treehouse.

We found ourselves there a lot recently. Whenever we wanted silence, or to be alone.

"okay." he muttered, digging his head into the crook of my neck.

"oh stop pouting! just because I am reading does not mean you can pout for more attention!" I laugh.

"is it working?"

"ugh." i place down the phone Ray got me, and turn around to face him. "maybe."

Luke smiles, and starts peppering kisses all over my face. "stop!" I laugh, playfully.

(A/N: Luke knows Presley when she's being serious or not, in this case, Presley was being playful and the scene is still completely consensual.)

"i'm gonna kill you Patterson!" I laugh, as Luke had just left a hickey on the side of my neck.

he just laughs, and when i go to talk again he kisses my lips. "stop talking,"

"Luke-" he pauses, staring into my eyes, not kissing her again until I motion or speak up that its okay.

but I didn't exactly do what he was expecting.

I Stood up, and motioned for Luke to follow. I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him passionately.

"i needed a better angle," I explain lowly.

Luke let of a low chuckle, close to a growl as I pinned him against the wall, I wasn't always demanding or dominant, but when I was it was as if we were fighting for power.

"nice try Lukie-poo but it's my turn tonight," I kissed him roughly, and the look on his face when I pulled away told me he was over fighting.

ooh tonight is going to be fun

things got heated quickly and one moment after another we were on the couch in the treehouse and he was pulling off my shirt. His had been discarded only moments prior. "you're truly the most- beautiful thing- ive ever seen." he gasps in between kisses.

I giggle lightly and trail my tongue along his jawline and whisper something into his ear "you haven't seen anything yet babe," I nibbled his ear lightly and a moan escaped his mouth.

the moan was like music to my ears, even though I knew he would be over my games soon enough, I enjoyed the moments where he holds out. 

I smile devilishly, and hold his hands tightly onto my hips, as I grind against him. we may only be undressed from the waist up, the clothing doesn't cover the fact the bulge beneath me grew to a size that has to be uncomfortable by the amount of teasing i am subjecting him too.

....Called it.

he grabbed my wrists that I was previously using to hold his hands to my hips, and flips us over so he is on top of me. "Sorry love, you had your fun, but I can't let you get away with that."

for someone who hates being teased like that, he lasted longer than expected before reclaiming the dominant role.

I lean up to his ear, "good." and pulled him closer into another kiss.

Luke lifted his his hips to pull off his pants, but looked back up to me. I nodded and he continued, allowing me to follow his lead on my own. "I was right." he breathes.

"about what babe," I start sucking on the spot above his collarbone.

"you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..."



well i've never really written that far into a... scene. I hope you enjoyed though, only a few more chapters until the end!

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xoxo Lee (she/them)

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