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Fifteen ~ CareBear

♫   ♥   ♫ 

"So your telling me, the holograms... are ghosts?" Carrie asks, now sitting on the couch where the ghosts were once sleeping. "And that one is your dead sister, who was the manager of my dad's old band with them... and that one is your dead brother?"

"Yes." they all say at the same time.

"I knew they weren't fucking holograms... no offense julie."

Julie shrugs and Carrie continues asking Presley and the others more questions. "So how come I didn't recognize you at first Presley?"

"My mom hates that I like girls.." Luke coughs, "and Luke's.. so she basically removed my existence from her house."

"But Sylas aren't you?"

"-Gay. Yea, ironic huh? Willie is too."

"Wow. well, uh- nice meeting all of you. You seem cool, Sy can we go now? My head kind of hurts."

"Yea, this is a lot of information for one day. Bye guys,"

"Bye!" they all said after the two.

"Sylas really likes her huh?" Flynn notes, after the two were gone.

"Did you not notice how she wouldn't be more than 2 feet away from her? Girl is whipped." Julie adds.

"What does whipped mean?" Reggie asks with a laugh, "like whipped cream?"

"So..." Sylas speaks up hesitantly. "I didn't mean to drop that bomb on you right now."

Carrie only shrugs, "At least I know now. I know why we haven't been able to hang out as much, and you don't actually hate me..."

Sylas looks back over to her best friend in shock. "I could never hate you," she places her hand comfortingly on carrie's shoulder, "you're my Carebear,"

Carrie's face lights back up after hearing the simple words from her best friend. "Let's go watch a movie."

The two walk hand in hand to the movie theaters and each of them have the same thought.

"I gotta tell her."

Just neither knew they were on the same page.

As the credits roll, and a soft applause fills the theater, Sylas and Carrie smile at each other and exit the theater.

"I have to tell you something,"

"We have to talk," the two girls speak at the same time.

They both laugh, but only Sylas speaks again, "How about we go to Jackson park down the street, and we can talk."

Carrie nods, and they go to the park. "Do you want to go first, or should I?" Carrie asks bashfully.

"I- uhm... you go first."

"Okay... well," the girl sighs heavily, "Ireallylikeyoubutidon'twanttoruinourfriendship." the sentence is spoken fast, and hard to understand, instead of noticing that Sylas was completely confused, her eyes were jammed shut.

"Care...I couldn't really understand a single word you just said..." she chuckles nervously, and places her hand over Carrie's. "But, I think if I talk now... whatever you said will make sense.

"I really like you Carrie... like, more than a friend." Now it was Sylas' turn to squint her eyes shut in horrible anticipation.

The silence was loud. No voice occupied the air, just the sounds of birds chirping, and the occasional gust of wind.

But for Carrie. She was staring at her best friend contemplating her next move.

She likes you back, do it!

What if she was lying....

Luckily the first thought one, Carrie closed her eyes and dove towards her friend, catching her lips on her own.

While for a second Sylas went wide eyed, she quickly melted into the short kiss.

"I think I get what you were saying now.."

A/N: Hello All,

sorry for not being as active, I have had a lot going on. I almost scrapped this chapter but I thought it was cute.

hope you all enjoy, another chapter coming out shortly :) and remember...

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xoxo Lee (she/them)

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