Hidden in the Rocks

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Eighteen ~ Hidden in the Rocks

♫     ♥     ♫

Julie's POV

"Is Alex okay?" Reggie says quietly.

We had been talking and joking about how almost all of us were virgins before we met, and Alex seemed to just zone out. "Yea Reg, I think he just zoned out. Willie, you good if we go?" I asked.

He nodded his head 'yes' so we said goodbye and headed out the door.

"Where are we going?" Reggie asked me, to whichI just shrugged. "Okay, can I choose then?"

"Sure, lets go." I grab his hand. "Reggie if you try to poof right now I swe- AH,"

My eyes are squinted shut as I fear I might get ripped in half or something as Reggie tries to poof us to an unknown location. "DID IT WORK?!" I yelled, my head still buried in the boy's shoulder.

"Holy shit, it actually did work!" Reggie smiles brightly, "Jules it worked! Look!"

He gently pulled me from where I was clutching onto his shirt, and I looked up to the beautiful cheesy smile that Reggie wore proudly, "were at the beach!,"

It was right about sunset, Reggie giddily took my hand in his and pulled me towards a set of rocks.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special. I want you to see it." His voice was semi-serious, lacking the giddy behavior from moments before. But the joyous demeanor quickly resurfaced.

We walked a few more steps, and I watched the boy in the red flannel and leather jacket climb up these 3 big rocks.

"Come on, up here."

I follow his instructions and meet him on a cliff of sorts. On one side, rocks and a mountain, the other side is facing the ocean and sunset.

"It's beautiful," I gasped. Reggie hadn't brought anything, no blankets, or foods, just the natural beauty.

Somehow the rocks blocked the sounds of people and the city. The only noise other than us being the sounds of the waves crashing onto the sand. We were hidden in the rocks.

"Not just that jules, turn around." He smiled sofly and pulled me towards the rocks, well one rock specifically.

'ReGgiE' 'PRETZEL -no! PRESLEY!' 'alex' 'LUKE ROCKS'

"It's all your names." I say, smiling at Presley's crossed out nickname

"I've brought them all here at some point, everyone has their own spot to get away... this is mine." He looked at me, but I was still looking at the names, "I brought pres here first, the wall was her idea.... She's like a sister to me, and the boys are my brothers... we're all a family."

He only paused again because I grabbed his hand. "But somehow you mean more to me then i thought someone ever would."

I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. Short, and sweet, because I knew there was more.

he reaches into his pocket, and grabs a pocket knife. "I want you to put your name up there too..." the sheepish smile as he handed me the knife made my cheeks heat up.


I never thought carving my name into a rock would have such an emotional impact on me. But it did.

"You Reginald, are such a romantic." I giggle, and pull him to the edge of the rocks to watch the sunset. "But I couldn't wish for anything better."


the sun had almost completely set beneath the skyline, and she had her head resting on my shoulder.

'today has been perfect.' I thought to myself. everything had gone perfectly. Julie knows where I disappear to now, and I have never been so sure of a decision. I love her.

mid thought, Julie shivers slightly. I quickly untie my flannel from my waist and drape it over her sleepy shoulders.

"thanks reg," she hums, I just smile back.

I'm running my fingers through her hair and notice her quietly snoring. She fell asleep on my shoulder and to be honest it's the most adorable thing.

I wish I had a camera to take a picture of this. But I don't, so instead, I gently pick her up bridal style, and poof us into her room. 

I had laid her on her bed with very few grunts or movements from her. "I'm going to take your shoes off for you loves, okay?" 

I knew she was asleep and couldn't really respond, but I felt like I needed to tell her what I was doing.

*knock knock* I guess the footsteps alarmed Ray that someone was in Julie's room, because a few moments after that knock, he walked in.

I continued to remove her second shoe, before lying her feet on her bed and acknowledging Julie's dad. 

"Hi ray, Julie fell asleep at the beach." Ray knows I am dating his daughter and he is perfectly okay with it, since I treat her well.

"I see that now, I heard footsteps, just wanted to check." we both awkwardly nod.

"I'm gonna go back to the studio, I'm pretty tired too." I almost leave, but turn back around and place a kiss on Julie's forehead. "goodnight Jules."

"night reg," she mumbles, still basically asleep. "love you."

I was halfway out the door, and Ray had already left, but that made me stop dead in my tracks.

I knew she was pretty much completely dead asleep, but the 2 words still took me by surprise. "love you too." 


HELLO ALL! ONLY TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!! lowkey i'm not ready for my book to end.

I hope you enjoyed the wholesomeness, and stay tuned for more shortly.


Lee ♥

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