September has Ended.

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Ten ~ September has Ended.

♫    ♥    

♫ Luke's POV ♫

"Happy Birthday Sweets." I whisper to my girlfriend's songbook sitting in my arms. "I will kill that bastard, you'll see."

Reggie and Alex are with Julie in the kitchen making cupcakes. "I wish Presley was here." Reggie says, the boy is still broken up about his best friend, Just because the distraction of Julie Molina is helping does not mean he doesn't still sob in the privacy of the girls closet.

No one goes in there. It's safe there.

Reggie has found that his friends care about him, but they don't treat him the way Presley does. Not when he's upset. Not ever.

"You think this will cheer Luke up?" Julie sounds, pulling the tray of chocolate cupcakes out of the oven, simultaneously pulling Reggie out of his own thoughts.

"Yea, Luke can't resist chocolate cupcakes," Alex Laughs, the contagious laughter causing Reggie to follow suit.

"Lets go lighten up Lukie pookie's day." Julie skips out of the kitchen.

♫ Presley's POV ♫


Presley was awoken on the morning of her birthday to the knocks of either her father or a very eager ghost servant.

"Happy Birthday Miss Presley! Mr. Covington is requesting you at his office as soon as you are decent! The fellow ghost workers got you a present. It is at your door. Happy Birthday Dear!" It was the eager old ghost lady dad knew when he was alive.

She's sweet. "Thank you Ma'am!" I yell back.

After getting dressed and doing my makeup, I decided to throw my hair up with one of Alex's old drumsticks that I have always kept in my backpack Just like I used to.

Walking over to my door to lace up my docs and pick up the gift the ghost lady left me. "Holy shit."

Looking into the bag carefully lifting up a note

'We know what you are doing. We will keep lookout for you dear. Thank you,

-All ghost workers.

Ps. Please rip up the letter after reading.'

"Well shit, Happy Birthday to me." I laugh at the note and rip it all up. "Well here we go." sending a farewell to the room that I hate, I poof into Caleb's office.

"Happy birthday my dearest Presley." Caleb greets as I poof into his office.

"Hello Caleb. When can I go see the boys?"

"Straight to the point I see?" He laughs.

Oh if only I were to speak my thoughts. 'Let me leave you whore I don't care'

"You may leave. But you must be back before midnight."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because if you don't come back there will be some very serious consequences." The evil smile planted on his face has me believe he truly has no suspicion over our plan. Perfect. "You can bring William if you so please as well."

I nod to my father and with a snap of his fingers I am sent out of the room and in front of Willie's door. "Well, glad he stayed with me,"

"Oh William!" I yell at my brother's door in a faux british accent.

"Haha, 'ello there Preslay." Willie replies back in an even worse british accent then mine.

I playfully hit his chest, lean into his doorway and speak quietly "We are free brother, let's get out of this hellhole"

Smiles beaming on both of our faces, he grabs my hand eagerly and poofs us both into the treehouse. "Why the treehouse?" I question.

"For the same reason I am about to call up Julie to tell her to come here." he smiles and pulls out the square light up box that is a phone; still a weird concept to me, and calls Julie's number.



"Hey Wills what's up?"


"Hey Jules, it's time... you guys ready?"


"Holy crap you're out?"


"Haha yea, now hurry up before Pres asks more questions."

After a few more giggles and words of farewells, Willie puts his phone down and just states. "About 2 minutes."

♫ NO POV ♫

"Why are we here?" Luke questions as Julie, Reggie, Sylas, Alex and himself walk through the forest towards where the treehouse is.

"You'll see." Julie laughs.

She slightly pauses after more laughter sounds from the near distance. "Holy shit!" Alex yells, pulling on Luke's shoulder to nudge him forward.

The two run together, Julie and Reggie short behind when the two boys ahead stop underneath the treehouse window.

"Luke let me on your shoulders!" Alex yells.

"What?" but before Luke can question anymore, Alex is jumping on Luke's shoulders and Willie is halfway out the window.

"The fuck?" Luke struggles out a laugh.

"Luke, Reggie, say cheese!" Julie laughs, taking a picture of Alex sitting on Lukes shoulders kissing Willie through a window.

"Oh my god Willie, you're going to fall out of the window," A wave of giggles follows the feminine voice.

"Was that?!" Luke yells, "Man stop kissing loverboy or he will fall out of the window!"

Forcefully, Willie and Alex stop kissing and Luke practically drops Alex on his face.

You would think Poofing would be the quickest way to move, but by the looks of how fast Luke Patterson ran up the latter of the treehouse that thought would be proved wrong.

"Sweets." he breathed out.


Hey All! I am updating as much as I can I really apologize, but I hope you enjoy this one and the next chapter will be up tomorrow, I promise!

Ps: Happy Birthday to my JATP buddy  @leahgublerr ♥ ♥

xx Lee (She/them/he) ♥

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