You Have the Power

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Nine ~ You Have the Power

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"So what now?" Presley sighs.

"We go figure out how to kill ghosts." Willie replies dramatically putting his arms on his hips.

"Wow William, really said that like you're in a movie huh?" Sylas jokes, Linking arms with Presley and running down the stairs.


Presley screams as her and her sister run down the street, their brother trailing behind them.

♫ Presley POV ♫

This. running down the sidewalks of hollywood, laughing with my siblings is exactly the thing I've dreamt of since I was 7. The only things missing being my boys.

"Okay so right here it says no one directly connected to or controlled by the ghost in question can kill them." Willie restates a paragraph in the book, "what does that mean?"

"I think it means that I can't kill him because I'm his daughter, and you're also under his control..." I explain.

"So who can kill him?" Sylas questions, silently dreading the answer.

"You, the guys, and Julie."

Silence fills the room, the three of us sitting on my bed, Willie and Sylas around me, all huddled around the old dusty book.

How To Kill Ghosts

The title was completely intimidating, scared that at any moment My father could come in and catch us practically plotting his death.

"What if Caleb came in right now?" Sylas fears.

"He Won't-" Willie starts, but gets cut off by a knock on the door.

"ONE SECOND!" I yell, but quickly change my tone to a whisper. "Quick hide the book!"

"Miss Presley I am just here to inform you Mr. Covington requests you in his office as soon as possible!" the ghost worker announces through the door.

"Oh, okay." biting my nails I quickly come up with a plan. "Willie, Poof the book and Presley over to Julie's so she can show them what we have figured out so far, then you go back to work and pretend you don't know where either of us are. I love you both, Be back soon."

I go to leave but tell Willie one more thing "Oh, and Wills, don't let Alex see you... or any of them for that matter, they wouldn't let you leave if they saw you."

He nods, and all three of us go our separate ways.

♫ Sylas' POV ♫

Almost like I predicted it. As soon as I stated the what if about Caleb catching us, Caleb summoned Pres. We were able to look at the book for about an hour and a half so I was able to get a good feel for what to explain to the guys.

"Sylas?" Willie shakes my shoulders, pulling me from my thoughts. "Go on sis, you have to tell them, and I have to go."

He kisses my forehead, and poofs away, leaving me to walk up to Julie's house. Unannounced, with a giant old book, coming to drop the bomb that they have to kill their best friend's dad.

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