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Nineteen ~ Together

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"Morning Ray," I hum my usual morning greetings to Ray, and whomever may be in the kitchen that day.

Ray had been nice enough to let me stay in their spare bedroom, right across from Julie's, I have it decorated with things that were in my room at my moms house. Sy convinced mom it was time to "move on." which wasn't hard since mom didn't like me much anyway.

"Good Morning Presley, Pancakes?" If this man wasn't a photographer I swear he'd be a chef, he loves cooking for all of us.

"You read my mind." I take two and sit down at the table and wait for everyone else to emerge from their sleeping spaces.


"Good morning,"

"I'm so tired, morning." the doors open and close as everyone walks in, and after everyone arrives we finally hear the stairs creaking. Julie.

"Who let me sleep so long? Morning guys!" She runs and takes her place in between Reggie and her father. Plate already made, because we all knew she needed sleep.

"Hands everyone," Ray bellows. Although most of us aren't religious, saying grace makes Ray happy, so we all comply. It's usually a similar spiel every time, and I have actually found comfort in the words.

Because it means he cares.

"Thanks ray, it's delicious!"

"Luke. chew," I scold the boy sitting to my right for talking with his mouth full. Again. "But yea, the pancakes are amazing.

"Thank you, so what are you all doing today."

We all give him vague answers, to sum it up "something together."

"So where are we going?" Alex asked.

"I'm cool with anywhere-" Presley's phone started ringing. Sylas made her get a flip phone so they could stay in touch, "one sec."

"Hi Pres," Sylas' voice echos into the phone.

"Hi Sylas, what's up?"

"Are you with everyone?"

"Yea? It's me, Luke, als, reg, jules, willie, and flynn... uh, we're going to go hang out. Wanna come?"

"Sure, can Carrie come?"

"Mhm, where do y'all wanna meet?"

"CAN WE GO BOWLING TOGETHER?!" Reggie screams.

"Reg wants to go bowling, is that cool?"

"Yea, uhm moonlight or bowl n' roll?"

I turn to everyone and repeat the question, "Bowl n' Roll, see you there?"

"Cya soon"


"Let's go!"

"Hey guys!" Sylas yells from a Lane, "over here!"

"Carrie came?" Flynn asks, the two are slowly making up and are currently at a stage where they constantly tease each other and then laugh like maniacs and compliment the others insult... it's kind of scary sometimes.

"Yea, did I not tell you?" she shakes her head no, "oh... Carrie's coming, there now I told you."

We all laugh and get our shoes before making it over to our lanes.

"We have 2 because there are too many of us... so let's pick teams." Carrie says as we start to put on our shoes.

"I vote Luke and Presley as team captains." Julie jumps in, getting nods in agreement from pretty much everyone else.

"What? Why?" Luke asks, dumbfounded.

"Well because Pres is good at Bowling, and you're a distraction loverboy." Flynn retorts.


The group picked teams, and Presley let Luke pick first because he was pouting, and it was extremely funny.

Presley's Team: Sylas, Carrie, Flynn, Julie

Luke's Team: Reggie, Alex, Willie,

It's boys versus girls because Luke is extremely confident. "Well I could beat the five of you on my own."

"YES A STRIKE! How far ahead are we from you now boys?" Sylas asked.

"70 points." Alex sighed.

Turns out, Luke in fact can NOT beat the girls on his own... or with a team.

Bowling was extremely fun, and at times Presley even caught herself zoning out of the game and thinking about how lucky she was. She's dead. And yet Bowling with her friends, boyfriend, and siblings.

"Presley, your turn!"

She zones back in with one final thought. 'Just enjoy the time. together.'


Hello all, one more chapter 'till the end. thank you for all the support 

xoxo, Lee ♥

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