The Stamp That will Save Them all

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Twelve ~ The Stamp That will Save Them all

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"Hello again Boys." Maeve greets, as she and Presley reappear in the studio. "Glad to finally be ending this mess."

"Oh woah. Hi Maeve," Reggie says, Instinctively putting distance between himself and Julie. (he was never allowed to be too close to girls when he was alive.)

"No offense Maeve, but Pres why is she here?" Luke questions hastily.

"None taken dear, Presley asked me to come help since I know the most about her father and everything to do with the club. I witnessed it all first hand after all."

The group nodded and as usual, Flynn was the first to step up. "Let's do this!" she announced, motioning for us all to circle the coffee table.

We all decided it would be best to have Luke stamp Caleb. It was going to be Alex, until he voiced his discomfort of being too close to the man. Kid has never been good with authority.

So instead, Luke is going to stamp Caleb, while Reggie and Alex are there to make sure he doesn't fuck up or get distracted. (even if he says he won't)

Maeve is apparently friends with the ghost worker that left the letter at my door, so she was able to get a map of the entire ghost club from her, with promises that all entries and exits will be guarded only by workers who want to help us.

"So what do we actually need so Luke has the ability to stamp him?" I ask, In response, Flynn starts furiously flipping through pages, with Maeve over her shoulder.

"Here." Maeve places her finger on the page, motioning for Flynn to stop flipping pages and so she starts reading.

"It says Luke has to have been a victim of the stamp-"

"Done." Luke cuts in.

"We know Luke, anyway," Flynn continues reading while everyone else struggles to keep in their laughter "since you are a victim of the stamp, it says all you need to do is project your intentions into writing and write it on your right palm in..."

Flynn's face scrunches in confusion. "What is it Flynn?" Sylas speaks up.

"Uh.. Maeve, what's this?" she points to the page

"Ahh.. a Bolino Quill... is that all it needs?" While everyone seemed confused, Maeve was quite satisfied. "Don't worry dears, a Bolino Quill is quite easy to find in the ghost community, especially since I know where to look!" with a smile and a wink, she poofs off.

"What the fuck?" Presley says confused

"Where'd she go?" Reggie asks.

"Probably to get the Bolino Quill, Reg. Sit down." Presley replies, "Is a bolino quill sharp? Flynn is there a picture in there? Let me see"

(A/N: Image of the Bolino Quill at the top of the chapter)

"Is that going to hurt?" Luke Questions, subconsciously rubbing his wrist and palm.

"The thing at the top doesn't look that sharp? I think it's going to be just like if you were to draw on yourself with a pencil." Presley rubs her boyfriends back soothingly and the teens fall into comfortable silence.

They all went back to their little groups like before Maeve had come. Reggie and Julie were quietly playing on the piano, Sylas and Flynn were talking and Flynn was getting over herself in order to be more supportive of Sarrie (Carrie + Sylas), Alex and Willie were sitting on the floor talking.

And finally, Luke and Presley were sitting on the couch, Presley being placed in between the boys legs, quietly discussing what he was going to write on his hand and how the stamp back will work.

While trailing circles on Luke's palm, Presley talked just above a whisper "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Luke asked at the same volume.

"For everything. For you having to kill my dad, for getting trapped in his god awful cult, and for never telling you he was my father in the first place."

Luke leans down and kisses the top of Presley's head, "It's not your fault Sweets, your dad was supposed to stay in your past, I'm sorry we were dumb enough to fall into his tricks."


"I'm sorry, that took longer than expected." Maeve says as she poofs back into the garage, greeted by half the teens being asleep.

Groggily Sylas replied to the woman, something about it being okay. "Wake up Luke," Presley nudged the boy behind her.

"What? Why" the rasp in his voice as he stretched out the word 'why' making Presley almost regret having to make him wake up more.

"Maeve's back, let's get this bit over with," Luke nods and rubs his eyes.

"Here you are Luke," the quill was black and in a velvet red box.

Luke took the Quill out of the box and tried to get comfortable holding it in his left hand. Presley and him had practiced what he was going to write with a normal pencil

(since he's right handed and has to use his left hand)

So let's just say his normal handwriting could and did get a lot worse.

Once he was finally situated with the witchy pen, he began to write. A sharp wince erupted when the quill first made contact, but shortly after he muttered an "I'm okay," to Presley.

'Ten times the pain your daughter felt, may you waste away faster than anyone else.'

The words disappeared shortly after he wrote each one, after each word a small line would appear at the boy's right wrist, a line of a new stamp. The stamp that would save them all.


Hey All!!

I'm sorry for the long break in between updates, since we are nearing the conclusion of this book I have had to think more and more about the specifics of Caleb's "demise" so please excuse the long breaks.

Let me know if you would be interested in some extra chapters after the planned end of this book showing like Carrie and Sylas, or Julie and Reggie, and ofc Presley and Luke.

thank you all for the support and remember!

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xx Lee (she/them)

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