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Nine ~ Hideaway

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♫ Presley POV ♫

I'm hiding in the treehouse again. Just like the old days, no one knows I'm here. Not Sylas, Not Willie, None of the boys. Obviously. Just alone, with my thoughts.

My thoughts. Louder than ever.

How are you going to get out? Does Maeve even know how to get a hold of you? When are you going back?

You can't escape until after your birthday... or he might hurt Willie.


What was that? Who would even come here?

*Knock Knock* 

someone knocks on the trap door into the treehouse.

"What the fuck?" Presley gasps, when the person that opens the door is none other than Maeve herself. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry dear, didn't mean to startle you." she smiles.

Okay what is up with this lady.. WAIT STOP SHE CAN READ YOUR MIND DUMBASS

"You shouldn't insult yourself... you are not a dumbass, it is a perfectly good question to wonder how I'm everywhere." she shrugs, not actually revealing how she is everywhere.

"Well.. are you gonna tell me?"

"It's a leftover curse from Covington's stamp. One final ability I can't seem to shake. I can tell when those are thinking/talking about me and where they are. So here I am, oh and I have a surprise for you."

"I'm sorry... what's the surprise?"

Maeve pulls out a spray bottle filled with a very memorable Liquid. "The serum." I whisper.

"Yes, and I can remove your stamp right now if you'd like."

"No!" I yell.

"What? Why?"

"Stay here, I need to get Willie, I have a plan!"

'4 days until my birthday. If Willie gets out now, I can escape while I'm free during my birthday.'

"WILLIAM!" I yell, running into his room, "oh thank god you are here! Come with me... now!"

Before he has time to process, I grab his hand and poof him into the treehouse where Maeve had been waiting, setting up the stuff to remove either Presley or Willie's stamp.

"Oh. Hello William." Maeve greets with her motherly smile.

"Uhm... hi? Presley what's going on?"

"Okay. don't freak out, but Caleb said I can see the boys on my birthday..." I take a deep breath preparing for what I am going to say. "I want you to get rid of your stamp first. Caleb barely requests your help anymore, and my birthday is in 2 days. If you become free now I was hoping Maeve could help free me on my birthday."

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