Stamp Back

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Thirteen ~ Stamp Back

♫     ♥    

Maeve advised that they waited until tomorrow in order to have Luke stamp Caleb, since his hand was hurting.

After she left the remaining teens went to bed... except for Presley. She couldn't seem to get herself to fall asleep. So instead, she carefully and skillfully untangled herself from Luke's grasp (which took many little pecks) and replaced herself with a pillow for him to hold.

The girl made her way to the loft where no one was sleeping, and started planning. Planning everything. From which exits they'd use to how she was going to be right by Luke's side. She was drowsy and couldn't remember if they had agreed on her going or not, but she knew that she had to be there.

She had to witness the Stamp Back.

Presley Stayed up as long as she could drawing a map and putting everything they needed together, "Presley go to sleep," Alex mumbled softly.

With a groan Presley deduced she was being too loud so she decided to comply and go to sleep.

"Can I do it?" Sylas whispers to Flynn.

"No, I want to do it." Sylas gives the girl a look to which Flynn sighs, "Can we both do it?" they agree, and so in unison

"WAKE UP LOSERS!" the two girls yell, separating from each other in order to wake their friends.

The studio is quickly filled with groans and arguments about 'it's too early' 'five more minutes' causing the two girls who screamed to laugh.

"Lets go kill that son of a bitch," Sylas half whispered to Luke and Presley, immediately causing luke to sit up, throwing Presley off of the couch.

"Oops, sorry Sweets."

"I hate you right now."

Presleys POV

"Presley what's this?" Alex asks from the loft, talking about the map and plan I had made late the night before.

"It's the plan." I said simply, climbing up the latter. "These are all the entrances we will use and these are the possible points to run into Caleb."

"Presley you do realize you aren't coming right? It's too dangerous." Luke says sympathetically.

"No, I'm coming." I argue, crossing my arms over my chest. "Last I checked he's my father."

The three boys sigh, "Presley I thought we agreed it would just be us, we will make sure Luke doesn't do anything stupid." Alex tries to reason with the stubborn girl.

"Hmm let me think," I hum, pretending to think, "no, also the plan starts in five minutes, study the map, I'll meet you three at the entrance in 5."

Instead of poofing away, I walk out, walking around enough that they can't find me and argue me going.

Soon enough the 5 minutes pass and I find myself just in front of the steps leading to the Hollywood Ghost Club, the boys patiently waiting behind me.

"Okay, If you actually read the plan you'll know I'm leading this." I point to myself while continuing to say, "He'll believe me more then you bimbos anyway. Now, Luke. He is going to try to stamp you when you stamp him so it's going to hurt a bit. But Maeve insured me that our stamp is stronger than his."

"Whatever you do. Don't let go." Alex backs me up.

"Lets do it." Luke finishes, and Reggie opens the door.

Surprisingly, Caleb wasn't roaming the halls, however a ghost worker came up to us.

"Miss Presley, you're back."

"Yes ma'am. It's time, uhm where is my dad?" I ask her politely.

Slightly taken aback by the 'its time' the small woman gulps and leads me to my fathers office. "Good luck dear." and she walks off.

"Caleb." I mutter.

"Where have you been-" he went to start scolding me but quickly stopped when he saw the boys, "Oh Presley, I see what took you so long. Boys, very good to see you again." he puts on his fake smile.

I nudged Luke to continue the plan 'hurry up' I told him with my eyes.

"Hey. I- uhm we" Luke nervously cleared his throat. "We want to come back in the club. We left Julie's band, if the offer to play with you and stay with Presley still stands, we want to take it."

Luke sticks out the hand where he put his own stamp, and Caleb smiles. "Of course the offer still stands! I'm glad to see you have come around. Great work Presley."

Unknowingly, Caleb Takes hold of Luke's hand, and gasps "what the-" both Luke and Caleb hiss in pain, but Luke tightens his grip.

"I would never let them rejoin this club. I hate the club and you so much I already freed myself."

Caleb lets go and as the teens watch his stamp fade, Luke's stamp shines brightly under his skin and the color seems to seep into his veins. "How could you," he asks.

"No how could you. You used me and my siblings all because you're a failed magician who had a horrible marriage. I hate you and I hope you rot in the deepest depths of hell."

Caleb screams in agony, and the boys and I step back. We stand there and we watch as his whole body glows red before disappearing into thin air. Soon after cheers of joy can be heard from the rest of the club.


"WE'RE FREE!" laughter and applause from the workers can be heard as I drag the boys out of Caleb's office.

"Tell them the good news P" Reggie gleams.

"Everyone!" I yell. The whole club silences. "I have good news. Caleb has crossed over to the fiery pits of hell!"

The room begins to cheer again as the same worker who had left me the note and had told me where my father was earlier runs up to me. "Miss Presley! Thank you! Thank you! I knew you could do it!"

"No, thank you ma'am. I- I never did get your name."

"Aimee, Aimee Roberts."

"Thank you Ms. Aimee Roberts."

"This club was glorious before your father took charge." she sighs. "Oh I hope it can be glorious again."

"Aimee.. Do you want to have the club?" I ask. The little old ghost beams and nods. "Okay then, it's your club Ms. Roberts. Just don't misuse the power."

We both chuckle and I turn back to the dancing crowd. "One more thing everyone! As daughter of the horrible old owner, I give all Ownership of the Hollywood Ghost Club to Ms. Aimee Roberts!"

The crowd cheers, and so does Aimee. They start dancing, and Luke pulls me into his side. "Good Job Sweets. Let's go home."

"Yea. home. I'd like that."


Hello All!

This is technically the end of the story, but I do plan on writing some cute scenes from the group after this point. obviously trying to give you the lovey dovey stuff.

I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you all stick around for more.


Lee (she/them) ♥

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