Ghost Dust

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Six ~ Ghost Dust 

♫    ♥    

♫ Julie POV ♫

"So Willie just thought I was dead for the past 2 months?" Alex is pacing since he is stressed.

"I guess so." Reggie shrugs.

"Where are you going Reg?" I question as the boy walks away.

"I'm going up to the loft... that's where all of Presley's stuff is."

I can tell all of the guys are upset about Presley not being able to come home, but I have to figure out a way to make sure their sadness doesn't turn into anger... well that's mainly Luke but i'm not letting Luke hype up Reggie and Alex enough that they all get sucked into another ghost cult.

"Guys, did you hear Sylas? They found a way to get rid of the stamp.."

"Yea, but there is almost no way all three of them are going to be able to escape... either Willie, Presley, or Both is going to be stuck with Caleb!" Luke flops onto the couch, grabbing Presleys songbook from under a cushion and holding it tightly.

"Okay, well you guys keep moping, I'm gonna go get this thing i read about so that you guys can't do anything stupid."

"Where are you going? Can I come?" Reggie peeks over the loft.

"Actually... Can you tell me where you took Press when you went to that ghost library."

After Reggie telling me how to get to the Library, and me actually walking there I realize I have no idea where to look. I know what i'm looking for...

'Brown book red spine, brown book red spin' I keep repeating in my head, but i can't find it anywhere.

"Brown Book, Red Spin... hmm this one?" a girl appears next to me and hands me the exact book i'm looking for, I take it and flip through the pages.

"Uhh... yeah actually, but how did you know that?"

"Oh! Sorry, did you only say that in your head?" I furrow my eyebrows at the girl. "I'm Maeve, I can read minds I am still trying to perfect not just barging in, sorry."

She gives me a bashful smile. "It's okay..? I'm Julie."

"Oh! Goody! You're the Julie I've heard so much about." Maeve takes a book off the shelf and starts walking towards a table, I follow, wondering how she's heard of me.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh well I met your friends Sylas, Presley, and William earlier... super nice, talking about trying to get back to you and a ghost band... so what do you need that book for? Maybe I can help?"

"Oh! They told me about you, yea- I am trying to make Ghost Dust to keep the ghost band in their garage so they don't try to do anything stupid."

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