Finally Free... Get it?

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Fourteen ~ Finally Free... Get it?

♫    ♥    

On the walk home Presley suddenly stopped and collapsed. "Holy shit!" the boys ran to her side asking what happened.

Presley was leaning against Luke on the sidewalk sobbing. "I- I- we..." she stuttered. "He's gone. Its over," she gasped, the sobs slowly turning into laughter. "I'm finally free!" she laughs.

The whole ordeal obviously gave Presley a lot of emotions, that was expected. But she just went from sobbing to laughing like a maniac and dancing along the sidewalk... singing finally free.

"Is she okay?" Reggie nudged Alex.

"Her dad died. Again... I think that bit still might be messing with her." the two nervously chuckle.

"Is it bad I want to join them? Like in the celebration.." Reggie asks.

"No way, lets go!"

Now all four friends are dancing on the sidewalk singing their song finally free, they all knew when they sang people could hear them but they couldn't care less.

"Finally free! Get it?!"

♪ "Been so long and now I'm finally free!" ♪

"Someone's happy" Flynn cheered, "Is he gone?!"

Presley Nods, shaking Luke happily. The whole studio shook as the teens jumped and danced, and cheered with glee.

Although ghosts can't become tired or sore, or any other types of exhaustion that lifers feel, they do feel stress, and it seems like the relief of Caleb's second death caused the ghosts to crash.

After only 30 minutes of partying everyone was laid across the floors of the studio, "It's over." Sylas sighed.

"Yep... finally" Presley added, looking over, smiling at his little sister.

"I thought ghosts couldn't get tired," Julie laughed.

The ghosts laughed and quickly fell asleep in the presence of their friends, the stress of the past year catching up with them.

♫ Sylas POV ♫

I was standing outside the studio, texting Carrie.

'Ugh, I need to get over her, she won't like you.'

'But she's so perfect...' Sylas' thoughts were arguing with the other.

CareBear ♥

Wanna hangout?

Or are you still with Julie?

I'm at Julie's rn. But they all passed out lol

Yea lets hang

Ok im omw

Can I use Julie's bathroom

Uh.. sure

Flynns here tho so be careful

Haha ok

I wish u two would jus make up

Maybe we can ;)

who knows... cya soon

cya soon

"Psst, Jules," I whispered

"What?" she said, turns out she wasn't sleeping.

"Carrie's on her way here, I haven't hung out with her in a while..." I scratch the back of my neck, "can she see the guys? She wants to use the bathroom."

"I don't think she can see them, sure... Just be careful of Flynn." the two laugh quietly.

"Sy?" I hear Carrie say cautiously from the garage doors.

"Hey Care's, come in, you know where the bathroom is." I responded, greeting Carrie with a hug.

Carrie smiled and stepped in the door, obviously the ghosts were asleep, as well as Flynn. However, Julie and Sylas didn't expect Carrie to see them.

"Who are they? Wait-" the fact that Carrie had seen the ghosts on stage with Julie, and Willie's picture in the James ' home the girl was putting the pieces together... sort of. "I thought they were holograms."

Sylas and Julie look at each other, surprised Carrie can see them. "Wait, Carrie, you can see them?"

"Uh yea? They're right there... how did you make them look like holograms?"

"Yea jules... how'd you make them look like holograms?" I fake backed up the question.

"Oh shut it Sylas, we have to just tell her." However, before Julie got the chance, Carrie's eyes landed on Willie.

"Holy shit that's your brother" she gasps. "But hes- hes..."

"Dead." we say in unison. "Yea, he's a ghost Carrie." Julie adds.

"Can I use the bathroom? Thanks." She walks quickly over the ghosts and locks the bathroom door.

"I think we scared her." Julie looked at the closed bathroom door

"No shit."

"Is she gone yet?" Flynn pipes up. "It was so hard not to laugh at her seeing Willie, sorry Sy."

I shrug and go try to console Carrie.


Hey All!

It's super late, and I just wanted to publish this little filler chapter. 

Consider it like a transition to the happier bits of the story. Sorry it left on lowkey a cliffhanger... please forgive me, I wanted to upload tonight but i am super tired I can't write anymore.

Nonetheless I hope you all enjoyed this 1am upload. And please remember...

VOTE and COMMENT for more uploads!!

xx Lee ♥

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