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Four ~ Maeve

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"Okay but where are we going?" Sylas asked as Presley led her siblings down the street in Hollywood.

"We're close, it's right... here!" the three stood in front of a charred building, "Come on."

They all walk into the burnt building to see that it looks a lot nicer from the inside. Nice isn't really the best word to describe the library though... not burnt sounds a lot better.

"Okay so what exactly are we doing here again?" Willie asks, grabbing Presley's arm so she can't try to run off again.

"Well.. when Reggie, Luke and I came here we started over in that corner" Presley points to the back of the building, "and we just looked in all the books possible to find stuff on why lifers could see me... so now we do that same thing, but we look for things that show how to remove this god awful stamp."

"Okay." Willie and Sylas said together,

"Make sure you look for the specific design on our wrists, because us three got a different stamp from everyone else."

The girls nodded their heads, understanding what Willie was saying before they all dispersed to different rows filled to the brim of dusty books, looking for anything that can give them answers.

Presley is sitting alone surrounded by piles of books as Sylas and Willie go look for more. "Ugh" she groans to herself, closing yet another book with no answers.

"Do you need some help?" a voice asks from behind her, when Presley's eyebrows knot together the lady speaks again. "I'm Maeve, I see you are having difficulties.. Can I help?"

(A/N: Picture of Maeve at top of chapter)

Without giving a straight answer Maeve just sits down. "I'm Presley," Presley introduces herself, her eyes still wide at the woman in front of her.

The girl was beautiful, and although Presley's heart lays in Luke's hands... that doesn't stop her from admiring a Pretty girl, and Both Presley and Luke knew that.

"So... what are you looking for? I am assuming you are in some type of ghost trouble?"

Presley's eyes go wide, 'how does she know I'm a ghost?'

"I know you are a ghost because I'm a ghost... oh shoot, did you not say that out loud yet?"

"No... did you just read my thoughts? What the hell? Also is that how you know I'm in ghost trouble."

"Sorry, mindreading is a new gift I figured out I possessed, still trying to control it. As far as knowing you are in ghost trouble, I didn't have to read your mind."

"What do you mean?"

"Well those two are your friends or family correct?" Presley nods, "Well all three of you Jolt at the same time every 20 minutes or so, nothing big, but I have a keen eye for patterns."

Presley nodded, still kind of confused. "Do you know anything about cursed stamps?" she asks.

"What? like the Hollywood ghost club? Ugh that man is pure evil!" Maeve massages her temple in frustration at just the thought of Caleb. "I know quite a bit about stamps... Please tell me you aren't in trouble with Caleb Covington."

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