Love, Willie

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Seventeen ~ Love, Willie

♫   ♥   

"Hey, where is Luke and Press?" Reggie asks, walking into the studio.

"Where they go every time..." Sylas trails off on her sentence, noticing the looks she was receiving.

Looking up from Carrie's hair, she speaks again, "Wait do you guys actually not know why they go to the treehouse?" Everyone but Julie shakes their heads, "what are you? Virgins? Think."

Sylas knew good and well she was most likely the only virgin in that room... but that didn't stop her from taking advantage of a perfect situation. "You're too much like Presley," Reggie muttered, sitting next to Julie.

"You do know you're probably the only virgin here right?" Carrie half whispers, causing their friends to laugh.

"Nah, Flynn;s a virgin too," Julie was quick to expose her best friend, which only caused the laughter to rise.

"Like you weren't a virgin before Reggie."

" was Reggie." Alex piped in.

The room quickly turned into a "who lost their virginity first" battle, which ended a little something like this.

"Okay okay... how did this go?" Carrie questioned, giggling at her new friend group.

"Okay. Willie lost his first, then Carrie, then me, then Reggie and Julie, and Virgin Mary and Virgin Mary Jr over there haven't" Alex gave the group their results, "oh and we aren't counting Pres and Luke because it's a miracle those two didn't have 20 kids before we died."

It was a question how the neighbors didn't hate the Molina's. The house now a hub for teenagers, with barbecues and concerts an almost weekly occurrence. But luckily none seemed to mind, some even came to out of neighborhood gigs for the band.

"Als? Did you hear me?" Willie shook his boyfriend out of his thoughts. The blonde having zoned out during the laughing fit.

"What? No, uh, sorry... I zoned out." Alex chuckled nervously, messing with his hoodie, "where did everyone go?"

"They all split off to do couple shit after Flynn got picked up."


"Kayla." the two smiled, before Willie repeated what Alex previously missed. "So, like I was saying... what do you wanna do?"

"I dunno... you pick,"

"Hmmm," Willie exaggerates his thinking, and the look on his face makes Alex roll his eyes in amusement. "I chose, couple shit."

He smiled, and took Alex's hand poofing them into the room from the new and improved ghost club that Willie still occupied.

The look that Alex gave Willie made him laugh, "Alexander Mercer, I know what you are thinking... and you're wrong- maybe later, be right back!"

Sassily the ghost walked out of the room, rather pleased he tricked Alex.

While Willie was gone, Alex was left alone, and resorted to looking around the room. Looking at the romance novels on the bookshelves, placed right next to the comic books. Although miniscule, the detail made Alex laugh- but out of the corner of his eye he saw something shiny.

A narrow box, neatly wrapped in drum designed wrapping paper, and a pink shiny bow on the top.

' To: Als. Love, Willie.'

"Alright I'm back- oh."

The sound of Willie coming back into the room causes Alex to look up with guilt all over his face, he doesn't 100% know why, I mean the box IS addressed to him.

"You found the box?"

"Yea, sorry, It was shiny." The excuse made the long haired ghost chuckle as he slowly removed the narrow present from Alex's grasp.

"I was going to wait until after lunch to give this to you, but I should've known you would see the shiny bow." he pauses re-handing the gift to the blonde with a smile, "Open it Als,"

A grin overtook Alex's face when hearing the lovable nickname, the boy quickly ripping the paper off revealing a brown box.

He paused at the sight of the box, but smiled again after Willie nudged him to continue. "Oh my god." he gasped at the sight.

"You said you wanted new one- haha!" The explanation was cut short by Alex tackling him in a hug. "Like it?"


What was the present that caused so much joy? New Drumsticks. Classic drumsticks, with a small rainbow flag on the bottom of one, and a 'W' on the other.

Alex took advantage of the moment and pulled his boyfriend into a kiss. "I love you."

For a moment he didn't quite process the words he said, but time caught back up when Willie's eyes went wide, "you- you do?"

The boy in a pink hoodie quickly removed himself from the skaters lap, fearing he ruined the moment, and began fiddling with the strings, "I- uh.. Yea,"

Although nervous for Willie's reaction the anxious boy knew he loved him.

"I love you too."

Those words seemed to make all the anxiety disappear. The two sets of eyes quickly met again, and embraced in another kiss.

"Thank you Als,"

"What for?"

"Saying it first."


Hello All,

can you tell what I'm doing? only 3 more chapters left. KEEP READING!

love you all, and remember.

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xoxo Lee

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