Chapter 14

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Kelly's POV:
M: "hey guys"
We all stood up as Marcel walked over to us, my heart beated so fast and as a million questions raced through my mind as I hopped for the best.
M:"We had a few times in surgery when we thought she wasn't going to make it as at first we couldn't get the the bleeding to stop"
My heart dropped and I thought I was gonna pass out. Marcel smiled at me "she's gonna make it, she got very lucky on the table and her previous rib bruises will make the tough recovery that little harder but she's going to be fine"
I was so relieved it felt like a massive weight had been taken of my shoulders
K:"can I see her? Is she awake?" I asked eagerly
M:"she's not fully awake as she's still under heavy sedation for the pain but you can go see her"
K:"thank you" I said with tears in my eyes, I looked at Boden.
B:"go Kelly, take a long as you need off Hermin will cover squad"
H:" the hell I will" they laughed
I basically ran to Stella and stopped as I got to her door as I saw her hooked to more machines that last time she was in here and had a tube down her throat. I walked slowly up to her hating seeing her like this, pulled a chair up next to bed and held her hand. I told her how she can't leave me and she's going to get better. I must of drifted off as I woke up to Stella coughing.
K:"Easy Stella, relax I'll get Will"
Stellas POV:
I woke up choking, I panicked as I couldn't stop with this tube down my throat. It was horrible I just wanted it out so I tried pulling it out as I breathed heavy. I stopped when someone place their hands on mine, I automatically relaxed a little and saw Kelly.
K:"Your okay, just breathe, look at me Stella Will is coming to take it out just hold on"
I calmed down as Will then came in, he pulled it out and I coughed a little. He walked out leaving just me and Kelly. I looked at my stomach as I remember what happened, tears rolled down my face.
K:"Hey hey, it's okay what you thinking?"
S:"What happened to us"
K:"I know but it's gonna be okay, how are you feeling pain wise" I asked as I kissed her on the forehead
S:"feel fine, already had enough of this place though how long do I have to be in here for?" I lied saying I was fine as I was in so much pain but all I wanted to do was cuddle up to Kelly in his bed and not here in med.
K:"I'm not sure, try get some rest and I'll go speak to Will"
S:"please don't leave me"
K:"I'm just going out the door but I promise I won't leave here without you"
I nodded at him as he walked out.

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