Chapter 21

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Kelly's POV:
I scooted over to Stella. I put my arms around her, she fought it and shouted "NOOO" trying to get away from me but I wasn't going let her go.
K:"stella, shhh it's me Kelly, your safe, your okay"
She relaxed a little bit but still wouldn't open her eyes.
K:" just breathe, it'll pass"
I held Stella for at least 10 minutes she started to calm down a little, she had my shirt in her fists as she clung on to me with her head buried in my chest. Few things came to mind wondering what had happened to her in the past, it almost made me angry but I couldn't show that right now. Plus she had no one else left.
After a few more minutes Stella's breathing was almost back to normal, she still hung on to me though; my shirt was wet from all her tears. It broke me too see her this way, she didn't deserve any of this.
K:"can you tell me where you are?"
S:"He's going kick me again" she cried
K:"No your safe now, open your eyes"
I rubbed her back and after a min she opened her eyes. She removed her head from my chest and looked me in the eyes with tears streaming down her face.
K:"it's okay, it's okay, do you want get in bed?"
Stella nodded, I stood up and picked her up of the floor. I placed her in my bed
K:"does your stomach hurt still?"
Stella nodded "worse now"
K:" please will you take your medication, I promise it will help"
S:"I'm scared" a tear fell down her face
K:"why you can tell me" I said as I crouched down next to her as she sat on the side of the bed.
S"my brother, he he was" she stuttered a bit "he was an addict and I don't want to end up like him, every since the beatings I've just avoided everything"
K:"do you trust me?"
Stella nodded.
K:"I promise you will not end up like him, this medication with just ease your stomach pain okay?"
S:"Okay okay, it hurts"
K:"I know I know" I said standing up to go get her some water and her medication.
Stella just looked at the floor as I left and was in the same position when I got back, she tensed up a little as I placed my hand on her shoulders.
K:"here take them, please"
Stella took them really quick, you could tell she was in pain. She gulped all of her water down before climbing into bed.
S"Can we go sleep?"
K:"yes of course"
I got into bed and she cuddled up to me in my arms. I kissed her forehead, she cried a little and drifted of too sleep. I watched her sleep most of the night just to make sure she was okay.

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