Chapter 16

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Kellys POV:
I was having dreams about my dad again, i jolted awake luckily stopping myself from moving to much so I didn't wake Stella up. The dreams I just remember my dad dying in front on me, all I could do was shout his name and I always felt like it was my fault. These dreams have haunted to me for a while but now they just seem to be getting worse, Stella really helps though. I'm lucky to have found her. I kissed Stella on the forehead and decided go get some water so I went and got some.

Stellas POV:
I suddenly went cold and I woke up. I looked around and Kelly wasn't there,  I started to panic. I tried calming my breathing but nothing worked so I pulled out the wires that were attached to me as they made me feel claustrophobic and I bolted. Med was quiet so no one was blocking my way, I don't know why I left as Kelly probably wasn't far and would be back soon but I started to loose it. All the feelings I hadn't felt came to me all at once so I went to the one place kelly told me would make me feel safe. It wasn't an easy journey, my feet hurt as I forgot my shoes and it was the middle of the night so it was cold, all I had on was hospital clothes that only covered half my arms and half my legs. I was getting close to the trees when I walked past the donut shop that no longer stood, a load of flashbacks from the explosion hit me. I was petrified. I ran away and to Kelly's tree, I sat down, put my head to my knees and cried.

Kelly's POV:
After getting some water I went back to Stellas room to find it empty.
K:"Stella? Stella?!" I shouted
Will comes running to me.
W:"Kelly's whats wrong?"
K:"I left to get water and now she's gone"
W:"she might still be in the hospital hold on I'll get everyone looking"
K:"you've got to hurry! She unhooked all the wires that were attached to her" i said panicking.
W:"calm down kelly, she's got a bit of time before she needs something in her"
Will went out the room and announce a code yellow (missing patient, not an actual code)
10 minutes had past and no one had found her and until I realised where she might have gone.
K:"hey will, I know where she'll be, do I have permission take her back mine? She hates hospitals"
W:"yes just make sure she eats and drinks something and that she rests as she could bleed internally if she's not careful"
K:"thank you bro, yeah I will"
I ran out of med and ran as fast as I could until I reached my spot in the trees that I showed Stella. I got to my tree to find Stella with her hands in her heads, to what looked like she was crying. She was shaking from the cold as well as being clearly upset and her feet were bleeding.

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