Chapter 19

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Stella went to get up and wash the dishes but was stopped by Kelly.
S:"why cant I do them?"
K:" if you hadn't of ran off last night you would be in hospital right now resting so that's what you are going to continue to do whether you like it or not "
S:" I'm not one to listen" she said smiling as she got up and took the plates to the sink.
She tensed up as she felt arms lifting her up, Kelly picked her up and placed her on the couch.
K:"stay here whilst I do them and then we can watch what ever you want"
S:"fine" she said as she rolled her eyes at him
Kelly washed the dishes and sat down with Stella. She cuddled up to him under a blanket as they watched a series on Netflix, Stella chose 'teen wolf'.
A few hours had past, and Stella fidgeted through most of the eps, they watched for that long it had gone dark outside.
K:" how are you feeling?"
S: "I'm feeling fine"
K:" stop lying " he smiled.
S:" I'm not" she said wincing in pain as she sat up and laughed "fine, I feel weak, my stomach hurts like hell and I have a headache"
K:"I will get you some medicine for your headache and we've only had breakfast and it's tea time now so I'll make some tea"
S:" I don't want anything"
K:"I swear I have never met someone as stubborn as you" he said as he kissed Stellas forehead smiling.
He got a glass of water and Stellas medicine for her headaches (side affects from the explosion as well as stomach aches)  he had to bribe her to take them.
K:"it'll help with the pain"
S:"I'm not even stubborn I'm just not taking them, I will not take medicine I wound rather suffer which I will continue to do" she said as she stood up and went into the bathroom, leaving Kelly standing with her medicine and a glass of water looking at a now empty couch.
Stellas POV:
Every since my brother took drugs from what every he could get his hands on I refuse to take medicine or I just pretend too. I got into the bathroom, looking into the mirror and lost the control of my breathing. I felt like I was drowning, I was scared to tell Kelly why I wouldn't take them even though he knew what he used to do to me. I lifted my Tshirt to reveal all the bruises some left from my brothers doing and from the explosion a long with a scar where the my worst nightmare happened.

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