Chapter 17

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Thank you so much everyone that reads my chapters!! <33

Kelly's POV:
I got to Stella and rushed over to her.
K:"hey hey"
Stella looked up with tears streaming down her face and stuttered "I'm s-s sorry"
K:"shh I know, here" I said as I put my jacket around her shoulders. "Come on let's go, it's freezing"
Stella shook her head, "I'm not going back to the hospital" she cried to me.
K:"I know, we're going back to mine"
We stood up and I picked up Stella.
S:"hey put me down"
K:" shush and let me carry you, your freezing, ill and bleeding"
S:"I'm fine"
K:" stop being stubborn, no your not"
S:"I'm not stubborn"
I laughed a little and went "okay"

Stellas POV:
I was kind of glad when Kelly found me, I was so relieved when he told me we were going back to his place. I hated hospitals so much, Kelly carried me the whole way back to his place. He didn't put me down until he put me in his bed. He lied me down on the bed but I sat up as he turned the heating on. He passed me one of his shirts and changed into some boxers himself.
Come on let's get you and your feet cleaned up.
S"no your not touching my feet"
K:"yes I am" he smiled as he picked me up and placed me next onto the sink.
He got a cloth and ran some warm water with soap so he could clean my bleeding feet. He went to clean one of the cuts but I pulled away.
S:" no it's going to hurt"
K:" quicker you let me do it the quicker it won't, they hurt anyway"
S:"they are numb"
K:"yeah they're freezing" he laughed as he grabbed my foot and started cleaning one of the wounds.
S:"heyyy!" I shouted in pain trying to pull away from his grip.
K:" relax, it'll be done in a min" he said cleaning my other foot.
S:"I'm not 5 you know, I can look after myself"
K:"where's that gotten you" he laughed, "it's okay to let someone look after you for a change, your not alone anymore"
I looked at him with a tear in my eye, he picked me up and carried me back to his bed.

K:"Now Stella Hope Kidd, you are going to sleep and rest wether you like it or not and we will talk in the morning"
I couldn't be bothered to say much back so I gave in and said "fine"
K:"now that wasn't hard was it" he laughed as he got into bed.
I cuddles up to his warm body, he put his arm around me as I put my head on his chest. He stroked my hair as we fell into a deep sleep together.

(Sorry it's underlined if wouldn't be be paste my writing without it)

Here's tracel<33 have a good day!

Here's tracel<33 have a good day!

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