Chapter 28

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Slight trigger warning//ED

After Kelly boiled rice, he handed a bowl of it too her. "We're not leaving this couch until you eat most of it"
Stella rolled her eyes at him and began eating it. She ate most of it, put her bowl in the sink and went to make her way to the bathroom. Kelly knew what she was going do, he practically jumped of the sofa and got in front of Stella blocking her path.
K:"I know your not going use the toilet"
S:"how, how would you know?" Stella stuttered clearly knowing he was right.
Kelly raised an eyebrow "you can go toilet in a bit but let your food go down"
S:"I cant, please let me in" she said as she tried get past him.
Kelly put his arm out which she bumped into, he pulled her into his embrace tight away from the bathroom door.
K:"no" he said simply kissing the top of her head.
Stella gave up fighting and hugged him back for a few seconds, this is what she needed right now to let all of her bad thoughts wash away. After a few minutes she looked up at him and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back deepening it, he felt her tongue demand entrance as he let her take control. He lifted her up not breaking the kiss as she wrapped her legs around him, he carried her and placed her on the bed. Before you knew it they'd stripped each others clothes off, now Kelly explored Stellas little body. Nurturing each scar carefully, when he got to the big one he kissed it. Stella squirmed and moved from underneath him, she got scared, no one had every seen her fully vulnerable like this.
S:"I'm sorry" she whispered and Kelly sat in front of her crossing his knees just like she was.
K:"no no I'm sorry"
Stella looked down into her lap.
Kelly picked her chin up to make her look directly in his eyes "whatever your thinking, you can tell me"
S:"where do I start" she said struggling to keep the eye contact. Kelly released her chin from his hand and said  "start with what your thinking"
S:"it's just different, I haven't done this in a long time. I always end up getting hurt, it's scary"
K:"I promise I'm not going to hurt you"
S:"that's what everyone says"
K:"hey no" he said cutting her off "I mean it"
Stella shrugged and nodded.
Kelly placed his hand on her tense shoulders, he slowly went to her scar.
Stella watched closely trying her best not to react the way she did before. She hated the feeling of him seeing it but she wanted him too know that it was alright. Stella was now back underneath Kelly as she lay on her back, his hand still near her scar. She looked at him and nodded. Kelly planted a soft kiss on her lips, then her neck and then down to her chest. He stopped to make sure she was okay and continued examining this massive scar. He slowly traced around it with his finger feeling it and then went over it. Stella panicked a little as her whole chest rose. She kept her shoulders to the bed and tried so hard to fight the urge to run from him. He knew she didn't like it but he wanted her to face it, he placed a hand on her chest firmly but not to hard just enough to start her from moving. Stella closed her eyes for a second and let out a breathe she didn't realise she was holding.
"Just breathe" Kelly whispered.
Stella took a deep breath and nodded allowing him to try again.

Stellas POV:
This time Kelly took his time,  I swear he was doing it on purpose to make me suffer. I cringed as he traced his fingers over it yet again. I tensed and panicked as memories clouted my mind, I clung onto his back as he touched it. I tried to move out of his reach but he held me onto the bed by my chest and continued on with it. At first I thought he was being selfish but after a minute of him feeling over my scar I realised it was a loving touch. This man wasn't forcing me to do anything, part of me wanted to allow him to carry on but the other part took over which Kelly stopped by keeping his hold. I was half thankful he did so, this is what I needed. I still squirmed at little as he kissed it all over but once he'd done he came back up to meet my eyes, looked in them and kissed me.
Kelly climbed off me and we lay facing each other. Not going to lie I was slightly embarrassed so I didn't make eye contact.
K:"hey are you alright darling?" he asked as he stoked my hair and placed a piece behind my ear.
Hearing him say that made my whole body melt. I nodded still looking down, he planted a few kissed on the top of my head said "what happened to you?"

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