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"you are no pirate"


"See, that's where you are wrong"

"See, that's where you are wrong"

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Xiao Zhan as

First Mate, Lynn Nikodo

"You will not as so much open your mouth and speak a word about this before this very sword will be shoved so far down your throat before you can utter the first syllable."

Orlando Bloom as

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Orlando Bloom as

Will Turner

"I should find this uncomfortable but you've done something to me that I don't know what to make of."

Johnny Depp as

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Johnny Depp as

Captain Jack Sparrow

"I shall never put you in between harm's way unless.. there's rum involved"

Keira Knightley as

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Keira Knightley as

Elizabeth Swann

"I did not come here to host a pity party"

And the rest of the Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl as their respective characters.

DISCLAIMER I do not own Pirates of The Caribbean but I do own my original character and events

This book will contain mature themes and takes place during The Curse of The Black Pearl

There are not enough Will Turner x maleoc fanfics out there so I got over myself and lack of productivity to make one so enjoy this and let me know if you have any suggestions.

- SBB (Still Burning Bridges)

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