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It must have been quite a sight. Commoners as well as other authoritative figures had come to see what the commotion was only to be nearly trampled by a herd of pirates. Somehow, Jack must have managed to convince commodore Norrington and his men to accompany Jack on his rescue mission to save Lynn from the clutches of his father's wrath. Though the thought of what price Jack would have to pay for the deal... Lynn didn't have as so much as a second to dwell on the fact as more of his father's men had come and had taken up arms against the pirates.

Lynn jumped into the fight with little hesitation, finding comfort in the familiar cool steel of his daggers as he wrapped a palm around each hilt. Swinging them was second nature, and the fact that he had spent the majority of his childhood behind these borders made him into an excellent navigation guide.

Through the grounds, they had gone, adopting a plan of running as far away from the guards as possible before abruptly stopping and fighting the men before taking off running again. Lynn knew their original intentions were to take Lynn and leave without as so much as a single glance spared to them but announcing their presence in the middle of the day surely ruined that plan of theirs for the sun was still shining overhead and would take a few hours to even begin its initial descent.

Like always, Lynn only knocked the men out, opting to refrain from as much bloodshed as possible. Even if they were his enemies in the situation, they were also his people and he wanted to leave these walls with his reputation intact. Fighting alongside one of Norrington's men, he found them to be decently good fighters and could wield a sword admirably good if they set their minds to it.

Fighting in his current get-up proved to be a challenge for he wore robes fit for a king rather than a warrior. He found out the hard way that the pants he wore were too tight and neared splitting whenever Lynn ducked down too quick or had stuck out his leg to sweep some unsuspecting guard off their feet. Whatever he couldn't do as well, he made up for through the use of his newly fashioned cane. The wood used was sturdy, made from some of the best woodworkers in the country. Rendering several men unconscious, Lynn picked up the pace, practically skipping so he wouldn't have to put any more unnecessary pressure on his already weakened leg.

"I had almost thought you'd given up lad," Jack announced rather loudly as he exchanged blows with an oncoming soldier. The two fought back and forth as the all too familiar sound of metal clashing against metal rang through Lynn's ears but instead of flinching away or scowling at Jack, he found himself suiting a small uncontainable smile.

"I thought you would know me better than that, Jack," Lynn spoke up and decided now would be a good time to help the Captain out by bashing his cane over the top of the man's head. Jack offered him a loopy smile as he breathed in a deep breath of air, eyeing Lynn and his 'choice' of clothes. He gestured languidly to them with the tip of his sword.

"Could have fooled me. With those close and the way you spoke about politics or whatev'r the hell ye' were talkin' about had me doubting your loyalty to the pirate kind."

"It was part of the plan. I had to earn their trust somehow." Lynn spoke nonchalantly, offering no remorse when yet another body hit the floor with a heavy thud. "How would you have done it then." Lynn added in upon seeing the unimpressed look that remained on Jack's face. The captain opened his mouth to speak then closed it, opened it, then closed it. Lynn's smile was now that of pure smugness.

"Bribed the kitchen boys with gold beyond their wildest dreams." Jack ultimately decided on his battle plan he had been in Lynn's position but even Lynn could hear how much Jack doubted his own words.

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