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The storm had ended just as Lynn predicted as the ship maneuvered through the murky waters, of Isla de Muerta. Smoke seemed to rise from the depths of the very underground itself and the crew members onboard carried out their duties with a somber vigorousity. The strange calm did nothing to cease the nerves of the men on board as Lynn peered over the hull of the ship, dead unnameable carcasses occupied the shallows below and the prince had to tear his gaze away from the remains and back ahead. The top halves of ships poked out of the blue seas and below, sharks circled the wet wood like its next meal.

"Many a ship has fallen to these waters" Gibbs muttered as he threw his head back and took a large swing from his flask. Will was standing beside the man and looked closely at him before refocusing his gaze back at the eerie liquid below. 

Lynn was seated atop a barrel in the upper deck, occasionally helping Jack make a tight turn around some sharp debris that had been too small to spot beforehand. Sparrow looked down at his compass once more before adjusting the wheel a mere smidge and offered it to Lynn to have a look at it. After confirming that they were headed in the right direction, Lynn left the Captain to his toil and weaved through the mass of men gathered at each side of the ship. 

The prince went around, handing out extra weapons to those who claimed they needed them before heading over to where Anna Maria and Dougal were gathered near the very back. They were put on lookout for anything the Captain and Lynn might have missed. Rounding on back behind the female pirate he wrung out his hands to rid them of the moist atmosphere that soaked into the pads of his fingers and went to work on the girl's hair.

Anna Maria did not object when she felt Lynns delicate fingers working through the strands of her disheveled hair and let him continue. He wove three strands in and around each other to form a tight braid to which he tucked into a bun and pushed under her pirate hat. Once she nodded her head in thanks, she adjusted any loose strands the prince missed before turning her gaze back to the surrounding area. 

Lynn took his place beside Dougal and almost missed the way the man's muscles tensed when Lynn came close. He had been jumpy ever since their first night at sea after Tortuga and as much as Lynn pressed for answers, Dougal wouldn't break. It was surprising, to say the least, Lynn's way with words often had unsuspecting men confessing their deepest secret to the stranger without even realizing it. Dougal must have figured out Lynn's antics from the many years spent abroad and acted accordingly. 

"Dougal you've been a quiet man these past few days" Lynn spoke as they passed a particularly large rock that looked like a petrified child.

"Everyone has Lynn, we're passing dangerous water here"

"But even for you Dougal, an energetic man such as yourself used to love being in the face of danger" Lynn's voice was soft and steady and all the more threatening, it made Dougal shift slightly. He had learned using someone's name over and over adds to the seriousness in your voice, it lets the other person know what they're planning even if you haven't the slightest clue. 

Lynn knew Dougal was plotting something, most likely against him but he could never be too sure. At first, Lynn thought Dougal was under the curse Barbossa and his crewmates were as Dougal would often disappear below deck as soon as the sun stretched its last rays and was never heard from until the morning after. Jack had sensed something was off too and was always hesitant to let Lynn wander off alone where Dougal could stab him and finish the job. 

"Are you alright Lynn? You seem quite yourself." Dougal replied and Lynn kept silent. He was turning the conversation away from him. As much as Dougal was aware of Lynn's antics, Lynn was well aware of Dougal's. He could read the man well enough to know when a conversation was done or if there was some topic he was avoiding. 

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