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The first thing he felt was pain. He knew the feeling, yet he couldn't place where it was coming from. A dull throb in his head, pulsing in his cheek, raging discomfort in his knee, Lynn clenched his lips together to bite back a groan as he let his head loll to the side, resting its strength. The next thing he did was crack an eyelid open, just so it formed a small slit, no one could tell it was open.

Taking a moment to regain his bearings, Lynn played through the chain of events until he remembered passing out. His pursuers- no doubt- were the ones Captaining whatever ship he was on now. He remembered rescuing Will from the clutches of Barbossa and his greedy men; he remembered bargaining a fraud deal with the man and the fight that followed afterward. He remembered Will, Elizabeth, Jack, and Lynn sauntering to the outside of the cave before Lynn had numbly wandered over to the lone rowboats that had been poorly stationed off the shore of Isla Da Muerta before he realized his mistake too late. They must have taken him abroad, trapped him in the hull of their ship, and were sailing off to God knows where.

The ship's walls were fairly new, yet the peculiar stains on the polished wooden surfaces were curious. Lynn felt the slight sway of the ship and concluded they were headed East, considering the slight wind direction Lynn felt sweep across the cave prior to his slip up. The sounds were scarce and though the windows were barred, Lynn reckoned they were into the early hours of the morning given the muffled snores and the lack of natural sunlight. It was good, he thought. It gave him time to think.

The hours wore on and Lynn soon found it useless to pull at the ropes around his wrists. No doubt, the skin around them would be raw should he get out of the tight embrace and cursed his luck. However much he wanted to demand to speak to the Captain and bargain his way out, the ship he was on didn't look to be one of Pirate descent. Commoners fishing by ship perhaps? No, it was too grand for such a thing. A merchant's ship seemed the likeliest of conclusions and his years as a pirate would do little good here.

Sometime later a water boy had clumsily galloped down the main deck's stairs and nearly sloshed the water he was holding all over Lynn. It was fine, he welcomed the coolness it brought to his dry skin and what it did to quench his thirst he hadn't realized the full extent of until it hit the walls of his throat. The boy then scampered away only to be replaced by a much stronger, burlier-looking man with a mean scowl and some sick satisfaction that was evident on his face had he approached the tied-up prince.

"I assume you want to know where we're headed." The man spoke, suiting a higher voice than anticipated. Lynn was sure Dougal would have laughed and pointed out how his voice didn't fit his counterparts but he wasn't here and so, Lynn raised his head to meet the gaze in a silent battle of resilience.

"Not particularly, no," Lynn spoke and nearly wept when his voice gave out towards the end of his sentence. He had tried hard to keep his voice even and though his glare only grew more intense, the man across from him smiled as he had just won a chest of gold bars.

"A surprise, most would want to unless... you already know." The man spoke more to himself than to the bound man on the floor as he brought a chiseled hand to stroke his chin, miming thought.

Lynn remained silent and set his cold stoic features in stone as he refused to meet the narrowed gaze of the smug lanky man. Lynn could see his shadow on the floor move to lean against the door frame. The man nodded in affirmation, the prince's silence a clear source of confirmation. Lynn had made assumptions, dozens of them as soon as he had first awoken but with each new one came the less and less likelier of chance it could happen. Eventually, Lynn had accepted the fact that they were headed to his homeland to fulfill the so-called 'family reunion' Barbossa had been so adamantly on about.

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