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Lynn guided Will to a less crowded bar, it was a small hike away and was located on the outskirts of the main gathering space. Within it, people looked more like Lynn, some sported the long brown hair, others- the narrow eyes. When the pair opened its doors, tons of heads focussed on the opening door before going back to what they were doing.

Lynn smiled as he guided Will to the island where you could watch the bartender serve up drinks. The blacksmith sat hunched over while Lynn sat backward so he could watch the happenings of the bar he had come to love.

They sat in silence as Lynn waited for Will to break the silence, he knew the young blacksmith would have questions and wanted to give the man time to gather his thoughts. Peering over his shoulder slightly, Will admired the way Lynn was poised so elegantly but yet so carelessly at the same time. The pirate had small and barely prominent bags under his eyes and the corners were wrinkled ever so slightly.

Taking a moment to look around the bar, Will's gaze fell first onto a couple singing on the little stage they had set up. After that he noticed the empty drinks scattered around on tabletops, then the workers who were desperately rushing around, and finally to a second couple clashing lips in the back corner.

It didn't mean anything to Will, the couple was made up of both males, and- as Will noticed the smiles each of the men was sharing as they kissed, he looked away. The next thing his gaze landed on was consequently- yet another couple kissing in a middle booth. This time they were both females.

The blacksmith pulled his gaze away, cheeks tinted pink as he took a small sip of the drink Lynn had ordered for the two. This time, the silence didn't seem as bearable as it once had. Will cleared his throat and swiveled around on the stool so he was sitting like Lynn: looking over the bar.

"Are they from your hometown too?" Will's voice was hesitant and he was able to draw his gaze away from the pirate sitting next to him long enough to notice the many physical traits Lynn shared with these people.

"Some" was Lynn's vague reply. He was making conversation something a lot harder to achieve than it needed to be and Will let out a long sigh.

A bleat of silence followed.

"Are you always this vague?"

"Generally, yes"


"How long have you been a pirate?"

"Is this you trying to get to know me, William?"

"Maybe." It was then that Will decided he too, could be vague. It did not go as planned as Will felt the tension increase tenfold. The silence lasted longer this time, the bar around them remained loud but it was as if the two pirates were in their own little bubble, the voices sounded muffled in it and was giving the Blacksmith a headache.

While averting his eyes to try and minimize how uncomfortable Will felt, his eyes landed on Lynn, from his oversized hat to his calf-high boots then back to his arms. The sleeves were rolled up to just below Lynn's elbow and a dirtied white bandage was visible. It wrapped around his right forearm. Any other person would have just brushed it off, the bandages looked like a common thing pirates would wear and it nearly blended in with his outfit.

"Why do you do that?" Will asked, he knew Lynn didn't get injured much as Jack had told him back on the ship. Lynn opened his mouth to most likely ask what he meant when he followed Will's gaze to his arm.

"To cover a scar." Another vague answer was followed by yet again- silence. This time Will was quicker to break it.

"Why did you leave?" Will asked and when Lynn opened his mouth, Will interrupted, only feeling slightly guilty.

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