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Lynn's eyebrows raised at the same time as his hands did, the sword tip's edge forced his chin upwards, and was dangerously close to drawing blood. He curled his toned fingers tightly around the stolen walking stick with the full intent of using it for reasons other than its original purpose.

The sun was shining into his dark eyes and prevented the pirate from seeing who held the sword. The tip lifted from its position and moved in a motion that could only gesture Lynn into the shadows. He could very well unsheath his daggers, send them flying into the heart of the hidden pursuer and continue on with his day but another part of him was curious, how skilled was this person? would they anticipate his next moves?

The sun had only just started setting, casting a glow golden hue across the town and the dwindling people who still lurked in the streets. So, Lynn took one last glance around before focussing his gaze on the faint outline of a man's sharp jawline before stepping in to greet the man who pointed his sword at his neck.

It had been too long since he had engaged in a proper fight, it had been too many months since he's even seen a fight and as the familiar thrum of adrenaline coursed through his veins, move sequences and possible outcomes filled his mind all at once, the pirate side of him coming to life after the many hours of pretending to be a commoner.

The blade kept steady against his skin as Lynn inched forward, three or four steps in, he was far enough behind the wall to block out the sun's glare. The pirate took a moment to close his eyes and allow them to adjust to the dim light.

When his orbs opened, they seemed black, the hints of brown long since lost in the sun. The dark shadows covered his body like a blanket, highlighting the strong edges of his face, of his nose, and of his cane which looked more like a gun in this light.

Lynn was greeted with the sight of a stone-faced male, no older than he, his jaw was clenched and his teeth- ground in a sense of determination. His clothes were worn out and showed off his figure nicely. Having determined that this man worked as some sort of handyman with his built frame and wide shoulders he assumed a blacksmith perhaps. The pirate let this man have the upper hand, walking backward as he moved forwards until Lynn's back came in contact with the cool concrete of a shop.

"What is your business here." It was more of a statement than a question. The man spoke and Lynn remained stoic, his features were frozen in a bored and unamused expression as he drawled.

"just passing through." Lynn attempted to remove himself from the weapon's point by maneuvering his body and ducking his head downwards as to duck under the lethal weapon.

The blade greeted his escape with a mocking glint of the sword and a smug smirk from the wielder. Lynn relaxed his own body against the wall under the impression that this conversation was far from over. Strings of dark brown hair fell over his eyes from the movement and his hat now fell to the bridge of his nose.

He kept his eyes downcast and head bent as he focused on the sword. If he were to raise his head, the hat would surely fall off and he wanted to keep that surprise for a more pressing matter. This was but a mere mishap in his journey and he intended to have fun with it. Lynn stayed quiet until the weapon was lowered and only then, did he raise his eyes to see the boy behind it.

Adjusting his stance and fixing his hair, Lynn took the liberty of gripping his walking stick around both hands and swindling the stick in an upwards arch motion. The other man seemed to have anticipated his move as he ducked down only to be greeted with the sight of the moldy, wet laced ground. Lynn had continued that arch with his makeshift weapon and kept on swinging until it hit the backside of the man's worn-out shoes.

In an almost flawless motion, save for the slight buckle of his knee, Lynn met the man and dropped his voice to a low grumble, bending down close to the boy's ear and pressing one of his daggers to his throat.

"I suggest you don't go picking fights with pirates lad" he pulled away as soon as the man's eyes struggled to reach his.

"You are no pirate" he spits out and shifted his neck in the slightest. Lynn just pressed the blade down harder, just enough so that it drew blood. The movements ceased as the pirate responded with practiced ease"

"See that's where you're wrong."

"Perhaps, but I know no pirate who had the elegance you have, I know no pirate who can fight just as well without a sword or gun" the man responded as Lynn let up, stabbing his cane dangerously close to the man's nose and using it as support to raise himself up from the floor. The sun was setting and the sea was calling.

"so tell me, who are you"

"that's not for you to figure out." The minimal amount of words that were spoken from the pirates' mouth was nothing short of normal. He preferred the silence and chose not to speak as much as the other loud-mouth pirates he had crewed with during his first few years at sea. So whatever he did speak, his words left the other contemplating the meaning of life for the next few days. Many called him dangerous for the words he chose to speak, Jack called him brilliant and used the skill to the two men's advantage.

That's how they met, Jack was rooting around his hometown and causing quite a frolic so Lynn took it upon himself to catch the bastards before anyone lost their heads. To Jack... it didn't count and, as claim' Twas merely a chance of fate, no pirate could ever 'catch me' Lynn had laughed and said 'I am no pirate'

They would continue on into the pirate life and exchange advice, eventually breaking apart to other fleets and crews until finding each other once again on an eventful drawl between two very powerful captains and their crews.

Lynn left the man in the alley as he collected his sense of direction and whisked himself back into the streets of Port Royal to look for the troublesome comrade by the name of Jack.

A/N Most chapters will be longer

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