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"Go on now" The crew jeered and hurled out shouts of malice as they coaxed Elizabeth down the plank. She walked hastily forwards, peering over the edge beneath her feet at the waters below. Land wasn't too far away and Lynn kept his gaze focussed solely on the little island, trying to calculate how long it would take a regular man to swim there on his own or with bounds on.

"Barbossa you lying bastard" Barbossa's men rushed forwards and clamped on to Will, effectively prohibiting him from scratching the man's eyeballs out. "you swore she'd go free" Will continued with anger as he fought against the men restraining him. 

"Aye, I agreed she would go free but it was you who specified when and where" Barbossa drawled, "though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine don't it lads?" a chorus of shouts echoed in return, and Barbossa directed his attention to the lass who was about to go for a swim. "So I'll be havin' that dress back before you go" He spoke with a mocking smile.

Elizabeth frowned and looked like she was about to tell the man off, but refrained, glaring at anyone who looked at her wrongly as she shed her overdress. Catcalls and cries of false awe rang about the dead man's crew as they watched her undress.

"It goes with your black heart." Elizabeth spat out as she shoved the dress into the awaiting hands of the Captain. He held it up to his cheek.

"Ooh it's still warm" the crew laughed and Lynn just frowned in disgust.

"Off you go!" More cheers and taunts sounded throughout the watching crowd.

"Too long." one man, in particular, seemed fed up with her stalling and slammed his foot on the support where the plank met the ship, Elizabeth was sent flying off and splashed into the waters below. Lynn couldn't tell if she had emerged from the water yet as his feet were still bound and he would surely tip over if he tried.

Jack was next as the men restraining him shoved him towards the edge of the ship, his false smiles he so often used to cover up his frown turned into one of sorrow as he faced Barbossa, his back facing the waters beyond.

"I really rather hoped we were past all this" Jack spoke, attempting to make last-minute amends with a man who never forgave easy. His attempts were to no avail... useless.

"Jack, Jack! did you not notice that be the island we made you governor of on our last little trip?" Barbossa latched onto Jack like one might embrace a friend.

"I did notice" Jack grumbled out in reply, wearily eying the land within view.

"Perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous escape- but I doubt it" With those final 'reassuring' words, Barbossa drew out his sword and pointed the tip at Jack with a smug smile. "off you go."

"Last time you left me a pistol with one shot" Jack spoke hurriedly, locking eyes with everyone on board before they flitted back to the man in front of him.

"It appears your right." Barbossa hummed in realization, he turned to the crowd, "Where be Jack's pistol? bring it forward." One of them, a rather rough-looking lad, presented the sole pistol with a stoic expression before slinking back into the mast of men and watching from a distance.

"Seeing as there's two of us" Jack attempted to make light of the conversation and bargain with the pirate Captain. "A gentleman would give us a pair of pistols." He finished off with a suggestive tilt of his head and raise of his hands which were now bounded.

"It'll be one pistol as before and you can be the gentlemen and shoot the lady then starve yourself to death" Barbossa smiled at his remark and with that, he tossed the pistol into the depth below, earning a glare from Sparrow as if to say 'you bastards have it coming for you' and dove in after it. The crew just laughed as the bottoms of Jack's shoe fell out of view.

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