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Though the crew had been in place of celebrating many times before that, each time had led to yet another rescue party and consequently, near-death experiences so it was expected that the crew was still a bit on edge as they went mulling about their duties, trying to complete them in a hurry so they could sooner crack open a few bottles of rum and finally let loose.

Lynn looked outwards to the horizon from his spot high in the masts. He had previously scaled the highest point of the ship to view their surroundings for any potential sightings of other ships or unknown land. He and Will hadn't spoken since Jack's supposed hanging ceremony but they had both been busy, tasked with chores that kept them apart and busy. As of now, Lynn could spot Will helping Mr. Cotton secure the anchor in storage, albeit looking distracted, they managed to get the job done without dropping the heavy item on their toes.

Jumping down, Lynn steadied himself for a moment before grasping for his cane that he had lent against the side of the same pole he climbed prior and walked across the deck loudly, his cane making a rather noisy thud every time it came into contact with the wood below but no one complained as they were used to the common sound and had since then grown accustomed to it.

"You know, I would offer that you guide the way Lynn but I feel it wouldn't do us much good now would it," Jack spoke as Lynn resumed his typical position beside him, waving the compass he had secured in his hands to add to the effect as he wiggled his eyebrows in a certain Wills direction causing Lynn to flush slightly before swatting the Captains hand away rather roughly. Lynn knew -or at least hoped- that if he were to take hold of the compass it would point toward Will and no one else. So instead, Lynn just let out a hearty chuckle and settled into a common yet familiar silence that neither of the men wanted to break. A sort of silent understanding passed through them.

That had been hours ago and sometime along the line. Lynn dismissed himself after Jack pressed a chilled metal thing to his hand before retiring to the underdeck for a much-needed rest before the real party began. Jack's crew was practically buzzing with excitement as the sun set, having decided to have their fun under the stars rather than bored by daylight. Of course, that hadn't meant that some would try to get a head start as Jack swore some of his men were already drunk on alcoholic beverages that had been stowed away in the brig of the Pearl throughout their journey.

Will soon took over Lynn's position beside Jack, forcing himself to speak before he could talk himself out of such a preposterous act he knew he needed to perform. The Captain was manning the ship, directing it in no particular order because they had years to go wherever they pleased, so the compass seemed inconsequential enough.

"Where's Lynn?" Will questioned in a matter he hoped would indicate normalcy, though regretting the words as soon as they tumbled through his lips. Of course, he had to bring up Lynn in the first thing he said to Jack. However, the captain didn't seem bothered by it and Will would have thought the man to not have realized the subject if it hadn't been for the constantly growing smirk that lit up his features.

"To all that is good and true, you're in love with him, aren't you?"

"Astute observation," Will sighed as he let his head fall limply into open palms that were supported by his elbows resting atop the banister. "Well, don't say it like you 're completely and utterly disgusted by the idea," Will muttered as he shut his eyes tightly, concentrating on the feeling of his palms against his eyelids. Jack let out a breathy huff of defense.

"No, of course not, you're good for him. He's good for you." Jack's words became a whisper as he spoke until he finished, nearing a whisper. Will snapped his head up and looked at Jack with wild eyes. He was confused initially about his feelings for the prince. When Lynn had shown him that bar so many weeks ago back in Tortuga, he knew liking the same gender was not frowned upon but hadn't stopped to realize what the slight tightening in his chest anytime he was around Lynn might have meant.

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