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Lynn watched with Dougal as Barbossa addressed the pirates of the Black Pearl. The man was standing on a rather large pile of gold coins and trinkets alike and he addressed the crowd with large billowing gestures. Beside the leader, a girl- Elizabeth, Lynn remembered her from when he watched her get pulled away, stood in fear as the Captain shouted.

"Who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?" Barbossa began his speech as an appalled Elizabeth stood frozen behind the chest full of pirate medallions. The crowd cheered. "And whose blood must yet be paid?"

"hers!" a loud chorus of pirate yells rang out and Lynn looked over his shoulder to see if he could spot Will in the crowd. When their eyes met, Will looked truly scared, his eyes were wide and he kept glancing from Elizabeth, to Dougal, to Lynn, and then to Jack who was solely creeping around the edge of Barbossa's crew.

"You know the first thing I'm goin' to when the curse is lifted" Barbossa turned to Elizabeth "eat a whole bushel of apples" he finished off dramatically and thrust Elizabeth's head down over the chest of medallions. Lynn looked to Dougal only to see him watching with scary fascination but refocused his gaze back on the damsel in distress before Dougal could notice Lynns' watchful gaze. This much was certain, Dougal was planning something and Lynn didn't want to stick by the man's side any longer than he had to, but the circumstance they were in didn't give him much choice.

The crew members started chanting as the blade from the dagger got closer and closer to Elizabeth.

"Behold! the blood of the undone" Barbossa drawled out the end of his line as he went to retrieve said blood. The chanting grew louder and increased at the same rate as Lynn's very own heartbeat. Barbossa snatched the pendant off from around Elizabeth's neck and placed it in her forcefully opened palm. Taking a sharp dagger he sliced a cut to which the lass inhaled sharply.

As the medallion fell into rest alongside the rest of the golden pirate coins, the chanting ceased and all was quiet for a moment when the dead man's crew closed their eyes as if being bestowed some great gift. Lynn couched down as he studied the men, no physical change had been made, and yet, somehow Lynn found himself doubting this Elizabeth girl even had pirate blood.

"Did it work?" one of them spoke up,

"I don't feel no different"

"How do we tell?"

Barbossa rolled his eyes before revealing a slender gun he had sheathed against his chest. pointing it aimlessly, a bullet let loose and dug itself into the flesh of one of the crew members.

"You're not dead"

"No" the man that got impaled let out a slightly relieved laugh before his eyes widened in some sort of epiphany "You shot me!" he pointed a dirtied finger at the glaring Captain.

"It didn't work"

"The curse is still upon us!" shouts of demands echoed around the gold-filled cave of Isla de Muerta as the men erupted into a riot. Barbossa raised the blade he had used to cut Elizabeth's palm open to the light and observed the blood before turning angrily to the girl. Lynn wanted to move into action but anything worth doing now would only end in death. These men were immortal and until the curse was lifted, there was no point in revealing their location.

"You, what was your father's name" he demanded he grasped onto Elizabeths shoulders ad shook her like a rag doll. "was your father William Turner?"

"No." her response was blunt as she spoke through gritted teeth, Lynn admired her for her bravery. A large billowing slap sounded as her body tumbled down the pile of gold. Dark eyes met brown ones as Lynn watched Will swim silently through the shallows to reach the love of his life. They met each others' gazes and held them for the duration of the time it took Will to reach the girl.

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