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     To say that the two pirates were sailing in all their glory to a land of gold on the fastest ship alive with the crew cleaning the decks below and singing drunken lyrics would be a vast understatement. To say that the two pirates were commandeering an average ship, stolen from the very depths of the guards fleet would also be an understatement, however likely that situation might seem.

     No, the two pirates were knee-deep in the cold waters off the coast of Port Royal on a decaying good for nothing boat which left pieces of wood trailing in its wake. More of an overgrown baby than anything, Captain Jack Sparrow stood with a fierce look of determination as he scanned the guards' fleet of ships, situated off the many docks.  He stood on the highest mast of the boat, peering down to where the main part of the lower deck was now submerged in the murky liquid.

     Another darker-haired pirate let the water rise above his knees, let the water rise above his hips. He paid no mind to the chill it brought, instead channeling his energy into the graceful, well-practiced manner of his hands, wrapping and manipulating the bandage around his right forearm to hide his family's emblem.

     "aye mate what about that one, she's a real beaut ain't she" Sparrow caught his attention as he jutted a slender decadent finger to the general area of a real good looking ship. The pirate in question nodded his head once in a sign of agreement and went back to dressing. Positioning his hat back atop his head and tugging the front down just a tad so it would shadow and hide his eyes.

     Lynn was the Captain's right-hand man and, as of right now, his quartermaster, and the entire crew.  He suited brown and white clothes, deep brown eyes, long unruly black hair that he dipped in water and tied up in a bun beneath his semi-concealing hat. Normally the two pirates didn't make a habit of having Lynn step foot onto land but a few times a year, he did and would gather the food and supplies Jack couldn't because he was either being sentenced to death or threatening someone else with death.

    No one could know where he was or where he was going as it would  put his whole life as a pirate on the line, the long jacket he'd stolen off the very back of a wealthier merchant reached to his knees and had become somewhat sentimental to the younger pirate as he often chose to wear it on his journeys inland. Lynn hummed in appreciation, admiring his handiwork as the bandages graced his forearm.

     "I'll pick you up from wherever you manage to get locked in, let's say.. tomorrow morning" His words were candid and blunt, he offered no trust in the Captain for getting what needed to be done, done without any hassle or bloodshed. The Captain just scoffed, refocusing his gaze back on the younger pirate with the knowledge of a thousand years.

     "you've no faith in me? I hardly see why, I am a very... hardworking pirate" he struggled with the word to describe himself but to no avail, it did not change Lynn's mind.

    "any special requests?" Lynn referred to the satchel he hooked over his arm so it rested loosely against his hip. Jack did not respond, instead turning his head with a haughty glare directed at his comrade. The Captain knew that the Lynn boy was only asking to see if Jack would succumb and ask for Lynn to smuggle a few bullets.

     The closer they got to the nearest dock, the less boat remained on top of the water's surface and the more Lynn tugged his hat down. This was an area of white posh merchants and he doubted they would take kindly to his brown skin, long hair, and narrow eyes. He would stick out like a sore thumb and he did not feel like dealing with the things that tended to happen after someone recognized him.

     Taking the liberty of stashing his daggers beneath his cloak, Lynn Nikodo ducked his head as much as the water levels allowed and let Jack distract the skiddish guard that was closest to the pair, his back was turned and so as soon as the 'boats' tip barely reached the wood, Lynn lept silently and landed on his toes, his right knee buckled under the pressure and Lynn held in the grimace and yell in favor of sneaking around the older Pirate and administering a mock two-finger salute to the Captain. With an easy smirk, the odd-looking pirate did his best to walk away, a slight unevenness occurring between his strides as he favored putting the majority of his weight on his healthy leg.

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