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Lynn did not fight the pokes and prods at his back with the guards' weapons as they pushed him forwards. He kept his head down and watched his booted feet walk forwards, he watched the pebbles come loose from the pavement and trail behind them, and he watched the dust gather on his shoes.

Past rows of heavy iron metal bars and raging, decaying old men begging for release, the pirate was shoved forwards into an already occupied cell. He still kept his head tilted down with his hat tipped as Lynn turned to watch the guards leave with his cane.

His prison mate sat smugly in the corner, smirking as though he had just won the lottery. And he practically had, Lynn Nikodo was a skilled pirate and thief, he made for a great tracker and was sought after by many Captains abroad. Those who didn't want him in their crew or as their captain wanted him dead.

"How many times would this be?" Jack drawled out as Lynn remained standing still. It had been his tenth. His tenth time being thrown into some sort of room behind bars and each time, he'd been gone before dawn broke its first rays.

Lynn didn't verbally answer the man's question as he raised his head to scan the surroundings. Taking off his hat and holding it to his chest as he swooped down into a sitting position on the unoccupied cot.

For being stuck in a cell, the two occupants were oddly calm and laid back. They were pirates after all. Surveyed their way out for any week spot in the iron bars, walls, or makeshift window.

He stuck the toe of his boot into the corners of the area, the mold squishing slightly as the section of the wall was rotten with rainwater. Catcalls and whispers sounded from the cell beside theirs and Lynn ignored them as he kept walking around. There were no guards down here, save for the dog who waltzed back and forth mercilessly with the keys dangling from its slobbery mouth.

However adamant Lynn was on disregarding the fact that there were a bunch of idiots not even a foot away and separated only by a wall was broken as Jack pressed his face against the bars to engage in the conversation.

The ground never seemed so firm in that moment, having been used to the slight sway of a ship as it cruised over the waves. Here, he was fair game, the people didn't know who he was, they had no reason to take him in other than the fact that he was seen, and quite frankly- now looked like a pirate as he had disposed of his commoners walk in exchange for the lanky sauntering act pirates seemed to always walk like. 


Night fell over the town and by the time the clock chimed ten bells, both pirates were sprawled out in the most comfortable position possible in the dingy cell. Jack was sitting in the front corner, glaring at the smug-looking dog that continued its rounds up and down the rows of mentally deteriorating individuals. Lynn at taken up residence on the dismal cot with an arm slung over his eyes. His stereotypical pirate's hat was resting idly on his chest and his cloak draped over the sides of the ancient papery mattress. His dark brown hair was sprawled out like a mangled halo around his head and revealed the faint curls they produced.

They were both sentenced to hang no doubt the next day and Lynn could recall the many instances he had heard such words and would always laugh. For they never knew who he was, or what crimes he was actually accused of, having gone by a fake made-up name on the spot.

Having been excellent at coming up with believable lies with little hesitation, Lynn has saved him and the Captain from numerous executions where their heads would be on the chopping block or where they would be forced to walk the plank over hungry mermaid territory.

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