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The pirates took to their own pleasures, the Captain was manning the wheel, Dougal was taking care of the 'housekeeping' as he would put it- fastening the ropes, and managing the masts. Lynn went below deck to put away the supplies that had managed to survive the journey through the cell, mass parade of Barbosa's pirates, the hanging, and the water trip they took to reach the ship. Will was sitting on the same barrel Lynn had claimed moments after their departure from the Port and he sat, looking out at the water as thoughts filled his mind.

He only saved Jack because he wanted to save Elizabeth and the Captain only agreed because he was interested in his name. That Dougal had shown up out of nowhere but had saved the man who he learned was named Lynn from the hanging and Lynn himself was just as brooding as any stereotypical pirate out there except for his ease when it came to words or moving around a group of people with delicate movements.

Lynn emerged from under deck and made headway to Dougan, his eyes scanning the area only once to pinpoint everyone's location before he joined the man at the masts. Will and Jack were lounging in the upper part of the Interceptor whereas Lynn went down lower. Jack didn't know who this Dougan was and Lynn was grateful that he didn't ask questions. An explanation was long overdue at this point and he wanted to make it happen, just not yet.

"What are your intentions Mr. Blackwell." Lynn's words were candid as he looked the man in the eyes. Dougan sighed, finished adjusting the masts, and turned his full attention to the pirate in front of him.

"My duties to you are completed I am no longer in your debt and am only here for easy travel." he replied and Lynn tilted his head back, resting it against the wooden pole as he shifted his position to hoist his bad leg up on the ships railing.

"Are you going to kill me?" Lynn showed just how blunt he could be and Dougal responded with just as much venom.

"I haven't decided yet."

"You've tried to kill me before, almost succeeding. What is holding you back from stabbing me through the chest and taking command of this ship?" He spoke airily as if the matter had no importance when in reality it was the thing that weighted him down whenever he was alone with the man.

"I like you Nikodo. You intrigue me and I wish to be able to get to know you better like I once did, to be able to know your next moves so I can always remain one step ahead of you." Maybe that was why they got along so well, both were blunt and never shied away from the truth no matter how horrible.

"I sail with you in full trust Blackwell but know that I will not hesitate to do everything in my power to make sure you don't succeed in whatever your planning in the mangled head of yours" Lynn threatened but the man just laughed, got up and left the brown-skinned pirate to his thoughts. Lynn knew that it was always a possibility that Dougans' words were not as true as he hoped them to be, that his original intent of befriending Lynn was to get the upper hand and possibly find out some deep dark secret Lynn has housed away for many years.

They had been friends once, that was until Dougal betrayed all that is Holy and sold Lynn out. They were in the same crew, sailing under the command of Captain Crawford. Dougal and he would lay in their hammocks well into the morning hours where the sun was beginning to rise and the dark tried to fight the light for a few more minutes of darkness. Dougal would always dream of becoming a Captian himself and they would divulge secrets to one another no matter how much they told themselves they shouldn't. Lynn found out that night that Dougal had already killed a man when he was at the mere age of 17 and that led Lynn to reveal a secret he regrets every night.

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