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Lynn had no trouble finding where Jack had gone and where he was going. Many guards were retracing their steps and the pirate boy stayed a good distance away, watching them check the track Jack took.

Lynn eventually concluded that Jack hid in one of the many shops in one of the less crowded streets so he took the liberty of looking around, sometimes grabbing a supply or medical things.

As he walked down the street, many people had left so he took his beloved hat off and held it close to his body. It was only then when he heard a slight swear followed by muttered profanities did Lynn stop and listen.

The sound of heavy-clad boots against the ground, chains being rattled around, and slurs coming from someone's mouth. These were all common factors of the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow about to put a black spot on some lucky lads record.

It was the same shop Lynn had been slammed against prior to that day by the man in the alley and as the pirate pulled the door open, he was greeted by a freaked out donkey, a drunken passed out man, the boy who dared to put a blade beneath his chin and... Captain Jack Sparrow, poking and prodding his sword at the man's hand as he attempted to pick up the Captain's hat.

The youngest pirate stayed hidden, choosing to discreetly climb into the rafters above and watch from there. He left his cane by a stack of wooden boxes by the door under the impression that he would fetch it after getting his pirate comrade.

As Lynn was not faced with any threat of weapon whatsoever, the pirate took a moment to get a look at the man. A blacksmith, he confirmed. He donned a brown waistcoat over a white tunic and his hair reached the back of his neck, if not lower. He wore similar colors to Jack and Lynn, the only difference being the tousled undershirt of the captain and the long trenchcoat Lynn wore during his trips inland.

"You're the one they're hunting, the pirate." the man stated, slowly backing up to put more distance in between him and the pirate, Lynn did notice he wasn't just randomly backing away no, he was backing up to where a vast number of pre-made swords were stored. Jack frowned as if in thought.

"You seem somewhat familiar, have I threatened you before?"

"I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates" the man snapped back. Lynn was now leaning casually against the roof's walls, balancing on a sturdy beam. His knee was bent slightly and he watched the encounter with hooded brown eyes as they bantered back and forth.

The Captain caught sight of his comrade in the rafters and masked his pleasant surprise with a tight-lipped smile and a breathy answer.

"Ah.." Jack revealed in a false epiphany, "Then I'll avoid putting a black mark on your record. If you'll excuse me-" Jack drawled on as Lynn's eyebrows furrowed together in thought. The sheer amount of black marks on his own record was something any man would be ashamed of. Many pirates and their crews did not take kindly to those who refused to tell them why he looked different, out of place. They didn't care if he looked different, it only mattered that he explained himself or walk the plank. Needless to say, Lynn had remained quiet and unspoken during those situations which led to many threats that turned into fights.

"Trying to pick up a fight with a pirate, do you think that this is wise, boy?" Lynn refocused his attention to where the 'boy' had now picked up a sword and was pointing readily at Jack's figure. Having said something similar to the boy earlier that day in the alley, the man with the sword gripped his sword tighter so his knuckles turned paled significantly, memories of recent events in the alley no doubt coming back to him.

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