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Tortuga was a place Lynn had been to many times, it comforted him knowing that barely anyone holding residence there gave a damn about what anyone else thought. The ship sailed the familiar route and with Jack and Lynn exchanging shifts for manning the wheel, they had arrived in good timing. Retiring to the lower decks, Lynn passed Dougal and retrieved his cloak and hat, putting on both before patting his belt and counting three for the daggers he made sure were still there.

The Interceptor docked and the four pirates- led by Jack walked off-board and to the streets where pirates of every kind bustled about. Night had fallen and the street lamps that hung from worn-down muddied buildings shone bright. The stench of pirates both drunk and bloodied resided in the mud ground. Jack turned to the group with a big smile,

"You coming with? or is this where you... leave and never return." Jack asked Dougal who had been looking around. They had all been to Tortuga many times before so when most of the small pirate group had to duck down from a flying sword some old drunken sod was flinging about, none of them were surprised. Except for Will. Lynn had to pull him out of the way and the blacksmith wasn't ready for the amount of strength Lynn hid behind the old white shirts so he went stumbling as soon as he was on his feet. Lynn reached out a palm and placed it on Will's chest to keep him from falling into the mud below.

"I think I'll stick around, join yer crew and sail off to God-knows-where that compass is telling you te go. 's that alright Cap'n?" Dougal answered back and Jack, although surprised with the response, curled his lip and nodded before trotting away.

"As long as you don't kill us mate, I think we have ourselves a deal."

As they made their way to a bustling bar down a winding street, fights and gunshots echoed around them but the pirates moved around with practiced ease. Although Will struggled to keep up sometimes he managed, and never fell too far behind. In a place like this, one manages to practice their reflex skills so many times in a single day that if you had pointed the barrel of a gun at some random sod in the streets, they might just be able to dodge the bullet.

 Jack went on to explain to Will the sheer beauty of the place and- however comical, it was true. Tortuga didn't give a rat's ass if you threatened them repeatedly or if you lay there bleeding out in the streets.

"What do you think?" Jack asked a wide-eyed blacksmith as he turned his head to study a man pouring two jugs of rum into his open mouth, half of it came rolling out past his lips and down his chin while the other half was sure to drown him.

"it'll linger" Will looked apprehensive but there was a hint of awe as he looked at the island of rowdy pirates. Here, Lynn looked more out of place than usual with his dark straight hair that he had combed out before their arrival.

"I'm telling you mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted" Jack stated and Dougal let out a huff of affirmation, some of the younger pirates with lust-filled eyes were trailing the group and didn't cease their attempts regardless of the lack of attention they were getting. The girls were less forward, they would sit there on the front steps of some shop and eye the men hungrily as they passed.

"ahh, Scarlette!" Jack turned his attention away from Will to a girl stomping towards him. She was pampered in pale blush and suited a red dress, the frown on her lips- the same color of her voluminous hair. When she was plenty close enough to the Captain she reeled her hand back and let loose a smack Lynn could hear loud and clear over the ramblings of the other pirates.

"Not sure I deserved that" Jack complains to Will when his head snapped back from the force. He turns back around.

"I don't think she cares" Lynn stated from his position on Jacks right.

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