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The Pearls crew led their hostages through a tunnel, two men at either side of Lynn and Will as they were pushed along. "There's no reason to fret, just a prick of a finger, a few drops of blood-" one of the men spoke sympathetically, reassuring Will. For what reason, Lynn did not know but he was interrupted by another man.

"No mistakes this time or we'll spill it all!" the second man threatened as he shoved Will particularly hard so he stumbled forward and picked up his pace.

"Guess there is a reason to fret" the man who had reassured Will once before snorted as he conversed with a buddy, Lynn just glared as he passed, silencing their obnoxious giggles into silence. Catching up to Will, Lynn dropped his voice down into a low tone as he spoke, leaning in ever so slightly to meet Will's slightly smaller stature.

"When I make promises. I tend to keep them. I hope you know this William." Lynn reassured Will as he noticed him biting on his lip and pulling at the flesh. An easy sign of unease. It seemed to work though as Lynn could see the ghost of a smile could be seen on Wills' weary lips.

"Promises? I heard the same about you and your threats, Nikodo." Will bit back teasingly, attempting to make light of the dire situation at hand. Will sighed and relented, "your promises mean a lot to me and I can assure you I don't plan on you meeting your father again. I would promise such a thing but then I'd be lying and you'd pin me against a wall again but kill me slowly this time." Will's voice started to fade away the longer he spoke and the closer they got to the chest of pirate medallions. What he said was partially true, it was no secret that you shouldn't lie to the prince or he'd have your head for dinner, a man had quoted such word and word spread faster than rumors of a treasury of coins buried beneath the very soil pirates were standing on.

Lynn scowled at the men who tightened their grips on him as soon as they made it to the main area, light-flooded in and everyone paused a minute to take in their surroundings. It looked the same as last time, the only difference being their vantage point... of which was none. Last time at least they had some leverage but with everyone bound and Jack and Elizabeth marooned on some far off-island, the outcome would surely have more casualties than usual.

The pirates all gathered around, the sight sadly familiar as Barbossa's men grew rowdier with each passing second. Lynn was bound as he stood beside the undead crew almost as if he were one of them. It disgusted him to no end but he was closer to Will so he wasn't about to jeopardize his position just to voice his petty complaint. The rest of Jack's crew were still tied up in the brig of the Pearl, and Will's arms were held behind his back by a rather muscular crewmate as Barbossa stood before them, all too eager to get on with the ceremony.

Dougal's body had been removed as Lynn couldn't spot his former companion anywhere on the floor. The search was short-lived as the crew started chanting, Barbossa egging them on as he stood before them, pumping a fist in the air and hyping them up. Will struggled as he was forced to bend over, the chain he had the medallion hooked on dangled down from his chest.

While Lynn was used to the shoves the pirate life had brought him, when he felt a particularly light shove as someone rushed to get through, he turned his head. Most pirates weren't that gentle. When he looked around he was met by the face of Captain Jack Sparrow who's eye had widened upon seeing his First Mate, clamming a fist into his mouth as to quit from celebrating, Jack just grabbed onto Lynn's arm and started pulling him along. The men that were holding him had released their grip upon seeing Jack wandering through the crowd out of pure astonishment. To their knowledge, there was no way he could have escaped that quickly and while their libs seemed to process information much faster than their minuscule-sized brains, the captain and runaway prince disappeared into the hoard of pirates.

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