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Commodore Barbossa's men had walked the bottom of the ocean floor, taking the men on the HMS Dauntless by surprise. They emerged on deck in full view, all bones visible and nasty snarls scowled as the two sides broke into a fight, faintly Lynn could hear the bell from the Dauntless being rung quickly until it was abruptly cut off, whoever was managing it was most likely dead, lost to the land of the living.

In the cave, Jack rooted around a pile of golden trinkets as Lynn worked the bounds of his wrists, failing miserably as he realized they had been tightened tighter than he had initially thought. Will was still being guarded by Barbossa's men as he himself spoke up.

"I must admit Jack," He drawled as Jack picked up some Egyptian figurine coated in gold. "I thought I had ye' figured. But it turns out yer' a hard man to predict." Barbossa complimented Jack, something that surprised Lynn enough to make him cease his struggles and raise his eyes. Catching Will already looking at the prince, Lynn held their conjoined gazes before breaking it off to look to Jack who had begun talking.

"Me? I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest, honestly, it's the honest ones you need to watch out for case you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid."

The silence following only lasted a moment, consisting of Barbossa, Jack, Will, and Lynn casting looks and glares at one another. Lynn could see Jack's plan clearer than ever as the Captain sent one final glance at Will before pulling out a sword from a mans scabbard that had been trying to skip rocks in the shallows beyond and sent him spiraling into the water. Tossing the sword to Will, the blacksmith caught it with his bound hands and elbowed his captor in the stomach to get free.

Barbossa having seen this, jumped into action, pulling out his own sword fast enough to block Jack's oncoming blow. The two clashed blades as they danced around one another, neither getting a good enough advantage to end the fight as quickly as it had begun.

"William!" Lynn shouted to get Will's attention. Yet another man was coming onto Will from behind and thankfully Will realized this just in time to turn slightly as to avoid the sword's blade, having it cut through the ropes binding him instead.

Coming over to Lynn, Will extended his newly acquired sword and cut through the Prince's binds, freeing them of confinement. The two men jumped into action, each fighting one of Barbossa's men. It was a fair fight, both sides had experience from Will's practicing back at Port Royal, Lynn's many years in pirating, and the dead men who were -as of now- immortal.

The oh-so-familiar sounds of metal on metal filled the cave as more men from Barbossa's crew filed into the area. Lynn hadn't realized just how big Barbossa's crew was or how many had stayed behind from fighting the Dauntless but working together, Lynn and Will brought down a good few until it was three against two.

"Yer' off the edge of the map mate, here... here there be monsters" Barbossa replaced the sound of metal on metal with his raspy voice. Lynn spared a glance over to see the two Captains had their swords drawn together in an 'X'.

Elbowing his opponent, Lynn risked no glance as he heard the man he was fighting fall to the ground in a heap. Will was fighting off two others on his own but seemed to be doing fine so Lynn swept across the cave to where Jack was fighting Barbossa. He trailed them closely as they fought back and forth up a hill with loose coins spewing everywhere.

Attempting a last-minute dodge from one of Barbossa's blows, Jack dove to the ground as he ducked under the man's sword. Trying to get up only to be kicked down again, Barbossa threw his sword to the side and Lynn had to duck out of the way from being hit. Barbossa didn't seem to know Lynn was right behind him as he spoke confidently.

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