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He shouldn't have been focussing on the feelings he got when his lips met Williams. He knew he should have been focussing on getting air into the man's lungs and he knew he should have pulled away a lot sooner. For when Will's eyes burst opened and he started to spurt out water, Lynn nearly fell into an oncoming attack. Brushing his thoughts aside, Lynn rolled Will onto his side and made sure he was breathing alright. 

"Thank goodness, Will!" Elizabeth embraced the man as soon as he regulated his breathing. As Will hugged her back the two men's eyes caught each others' gazes and Lynn saw Will smile in thanks. His cheeks were tinted red either from the lack of air he had running through his system moments prior or because he put two and two together and realized Lynn was the one who had practically kissed him to keep him alive. 

Lynn offered no recognition to the received smile whatsoever and excused himself after Elizabeth expressed her thanks. It was better to distance himself, leave the two lovebirds to figure things out that he needn't worry about until the fight was over. 

The crew was dwindling, those who hadn't yet been pushed or jumped overboard were barely hanging on, the sounds of blades clashing together were less and less but those who remained were stubborn, teaming up with one another to bring down a group of Barbossa's men the best they could. They couldn't be killed and that didn't make their job any easier so they settled for pushing men overboard or tying them to whatever bits of the ship's masts remained. 

Lynn played his part, whisking around the deck and shoving unsuspecting scumbags into the waters below. The two ships were circling each other and as every second passed, men were swinging back and forth from ship to ship. It was chaos but Lynn found no trouble when it came to ducking under blades, knocking out those on the opposition before they could shoot him, and managing not to get caught in a bad situation. 

The prince found Jack battling it out against three of Barbossa's men. The fight was extremely unfair as it was one to three but as Lynn stepped in to win the upper hand, the men weren't expecting such a thing and were easily taken off guard. He clenched his fist and squared one of the men in the nose, the punch was followed by a satisficing crack and shriek as Lynn took the liberty of raising his foot and pushing it into the pirates' abdomen, effectively sending him spiraling off into the rapids below to join the many of fallen. 

"Thanks, mate" Jack breathily thanked the prince. Lynn would have responded, truly he would have if it hadn't has been for yet another group of undead pirates rushing at them.

"Give it up Jack, we've already got half yer' crew. It's no use" Barbossa declared from his high all-mighty position on the Pearl. Giving up sounded splendid at this moment, Lynn's arms were aching from all the blows he had taken, his head was nearing a major headache, his knee was ready to collapse then and there and he feared it might if he stopped moving for even one second. The thing was, Pirates weren't known for giving up, they were unwavering and unforgiving, never ceasing from a challenge until they got what they wanted and right now- Lynn wasn't sure what they were fighting for other than the safety of Will Turner's blood but they would keep strong.

Lynn risked a glance around. Barbossa was right, their numbers had dwindled to a little under 7 or so men. He scowled as he was forced to watch yet another one of Jack's men get outnumbered but there was little he could do to help. He and Jack were already fighting off four other men and things weren't looking good. 

The prince heaved and let out what sounded like a war cry as he moved around the men they were fighting, knocking one of them out with a quick blow to the head, the other he shoved off board with the boot of his foot and Jack seemed to find some light at the end of this endlessly dark tunnel as he pushed the two swords in his hand that he had crossed ver to form an 'x', effectively making the man he was fighting lose his balance and fall to the floor from where he scampered away.

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