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Lynn predicted the Black Pearl would only need to sail for half a day if they went at a normal pace. This would have been true if it had not been for the thunder that had started to echo around the ship from where Jack's crew resided in the occupied cells below deck.

That was the first clue. When the raindrops started it wasn't anything serious but when they started to hit the ship with more aggressiveness and at an noticeably alarming rate, it clued the men in the area that a storm was underway. Lynn could hear the shouts of Barbossa's men above them as they scurried around deck,  tending to the jobs they were given.

From where he was hunched over, trying to rest his eyes, Lynn accepted defeat as he cracked open his eyelids and took in the area. The same wooden walls surrounded them, with a few eye holes in the enclosure and a wall of iron bars to serve as doors where they were served small meals and drinks.

Barbossa's men were struggling, the thunder was becoming frequent and louder as Lynn tried to picture what it might look like up there. The masts would be swaying, the decks would be swarmed with worried men and slippery fingers, profanities would be cursed as men's fingers slip through wet ropes, while others cower under the sharp gaze of Barbossa.

The rumblings continued for a decent amount of time and Lynn had ultimately given up counting how long it took the men above to come to their senses after counting up to two hundred seconds, growing bored and distractedly losing focus. Muttering the numbers under his breath Lynn ceased his counting from where Will finally came to his senses, when he had seemingly fallen asleep Lynn did not know but the blacksmith rose he wore a look of utter confoundment.

"A storm?" He asked groggily, his voice a few tones deeper than it usually was and Lynn just looked at him considerably before nodding in reply.

"And a bad one at that, I'll tell you Lynn if we had our own ship I'm sure we would have had everything under control... unlike these lads," Gibbs muttered darkly from where he was attempting to get some shut-eye in the corner of the other cell.

"Aye, watch it." One of Barbossa's men drew out the syllables as he warned a dismissive Gibbs who only offered a mock 'sorry' in reply. The man patrolling was soon called away to help above deck with the storm and they were left alone. Faintly, Lynn could hear the cries of the other men increase along with the sound of the raindrops and thunder. A faint 'get me someone who can do something useful' echoed from above as Lynn kept his gaze focussed on the wall opposing, a small smile playing on his quirked lips.

Lynn ignored the eyes that were boring into the back of his skull as he kept calm. Wills unasked questions were about to be answered as thudding steps clomped down the stairs into the cell area. They approached the cell Lynn and Will were as Lynn paid no mind to the sudden halt in the mans steps. Will, however, immediately thought the worst as Lynn's words played in his head 'I doubt they'll honor our words, so prepare lads' and had thought the man had come to toss them overboard into the raging seas one by one. It was a silly thought, these men needed Will's blood good and alive and weren't about to jeopardize such a prize because of their anger issues but he couldn't help but doubt their sanity.

"Come on then Nikodo, you're help has been requested" The man spoke in a gruff voice as Lynn raised his gaze to meet the stares he was receiving.

"And what if I were to decline?" He queried, full well knowing that he was a valuable asset with his vast skills.

"Then you'll join the fishies" The man snarled as he unlocked the door, swinging it open and gripping on to Lynn's arm, hoisting him up. The man did not question the lack of bounds on Lynn. They weren't daft, they knew to some extent what Lynn was capable of and what he wasn't.

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