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Lynn wasn't shunned to the depths of the darkest quarters of the home after his initial confession. Instead, he was treated to his own quarters with his own men on standby. He felt dirty as he basked in their presence, as he was waited on to meet his every want and need. The first few days he refused to eat or wear the clothes that had been oh so graciously given to him, opting instead to go days without food and remaining in his old worn and tattered clothes. The many long nights were spent with closed eyes and merciless thoughts raging around in his head as Lynn thought of the best, most foolproof plan to leave the land again. He knew his father had updated his security, the extra men trailing behind thought he didn't notice but they were mistaken.

Though as time wore on he looked like he would have to end up relying on the presence of Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew to save him if they ended up deciding that he was worth breaking the code for. He mentally regretted each time he had pulled Jack to the side to remind him to stick to the code and more importantly- to leave Lynn if he had fallen behind. It was a conflicting feeling, to regret telling the closest thing he had to a friend to leave him and then to put his hope into the hands of a rum-obsessed pirate to save him.

On the nights that he wasn't thinking of some sort of immaculate plan to flee his own country once more, he found his thoughts subconsciously drifting off to a certain brown-haired male with a quirky smirk and nimble fingers that had been so commonly seen clasped around some form of hand-made weapon.  Will had connected to Lynn in such a way that it made it nearly impossible to get the man completely out of his mind and that only angered Lynn. That he was thinking of the Turner boy when the very same man was probably off somewhere either on a ship to come to rescue Lynn or back in Port Royal.  Either way, Elizabeth would be with him and he would be happy to just be in her presence.

However long he had to dwell in these thoughts, he was soon broken out of them by some sort of message being relayed through a guard from the prince to Lynn requesting his presence. Over the course of the next week that Lynn had been forced to stay there, he had somewhat willingly sat down with his father and the councils' men to discuss decisions that needed to be made for the country. Initially, Lynn thought it to be a great way to discover some inside information about his birthplace that could then be used towards blackmailing some time in the future but the men that always seemed to be around him were smart, pulling him away when the conversation took a turn.

By the seventh day, when the guards had taken Lynn out from the grand oval room his father and his men were in, he caught the faint whispers of word that some pirates had been spotted on the outskirts of land, clearly distinguishable by their oversized hats and lack of similar appearance they held compared to the true people that lived here. Upon hearing this, Lynn offered no revelation on his features and kept his facade stoic: a feature he was sure it would take a while to recover from.

Days continued as word increased around the castle grounds. By that time, Lynn already had two plans he was ready to put in motion. The first relying solely on himself in case Jack and his crew never arrived and the second included the said Captain. Each more impossible than the next but more than pirates were said to be cruel and dirty, they were also known to pull off impossible feats that commoners were appalled by.

On the ninth day, Lynn was sitting at his fathers' right-hand side, listing intently to the conversation at hand in hopes that this would be the day the men decided they trusted Lynn enough to disclose more information than usual. It was a painful process, to make it seem that Lynn had truly given up his pirate lifestyle for he had started eating the staffs' food, started dressing like a proper prince, and had cleaned and washed his hair properly for the first time in years. Despite this, he never wavered as he got closer and closer to his overall goal.

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