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"Feast yer eyes Cap'n, all of em faithful hands before the mast, every man worth his salt" Gibbs proclaimed as he, Jack, Will, and Lynn walked down the dock, surveying the men lined up. Dougal was there too, at the beginning of the line he smirked and held his head high as the group passed him.

"And crazy to boot" Mr. Gibbs continued as Jack caught sight of a, particularly short man.

"So this- is your able-bodied crew." Will leaned over slightly to talk to Captain Jack Sparrow. Lynn had moved on down the line and was standing at the end of it, assessing said crew members as they waited for their own evaluation.

Lynn had to double back though, as he was making his way down the line. A pirate who wore a rather large fitting hat kept his head down and Lynn had narrowed his eyes, bending down slightly to meet the eyes of said pirate. What he was met with was a pretty face of a pirate he had come to know: Anna Maria. When their eyes met, she smiled as Lynn smirked and rightened himself, continuing his way down the line.

"You, sailor." Jack had stopped in front of a pirate with a parrot resting on his shoulder.

"Cotton sir" Gibbs corrected.

"Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger in the worst certain death? MR. COTTON! answer man." Jack practically yelled and Lynn spoke up.

"He's a mute Jack, poor devil got his tongue cut out" Lynn finished and the tongue-less male opened his mouth wide to show Jack his tongue or lack thereof. Both he and Jack cringed and Jack stuck his own tongue out for some sense of untold closure.

"That's right sir, we trained the parrot to talk for him," Gibbs added on as Jack regained his composure, turning instead to the parrot atop the man's shoulders.

"Mr. Cotton's parrot... same question" the parrot in question let out a squawk and yelled something incomprehensible from where Lynn stood at the end.

"mostly we figured that means yes"

"of course it does-" Jack turned smugly to Will "satisfied?" He asked. And Will turned to Lynn before answering.

"Well you've proved they're mad"

"And what's the benefit for us?" Anna Maria spoke up as she kept her head down. Lynn smirked as the group of pirates stalked down the line. Jack gritted his teeth in confusion as he bent down slightly and removed the hat from the woman's head. Her eyes flitted up to meet the Captain's as her hair fell in cascading waves around her.

"Anna Maria" Jack spoke through a tight smile which dropped immediately as his head was knocked to the side. Anna Maria had slapped him.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one either"

"No that one he deserved" Lynn spoke up smugly as Jack went to glare at him but ended up ultimately timidly nodding his head in agreement. Anna Maria nodded her confirmation to which Will just pressed his lips together in a straight line to refrain from laughing or grinning. Lynn couldn't tell which.

"You. stole. my. boat"

"Actually I-" Jack went to defend himself only to be greeted with yet another slap. This time it was Lynn who his to press his lips together in fear that they would betray him and smile.

"borrowed! borrowed without permission and with every intention of bringing it back" Jack smiled as he flung his arms about.

"But you didn't!"

"...You'll get another one!" Jack attempted to climb out of the hole he had dug himself into. Anna Maria went to raise her hand again and Jack flinched. Lynn went to make his way to intervene but Will beat him to it.

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