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Drums blared in time with one another, increasing in speed as time wore on. Guards paced back and forth as they watched the ceremony with bored looks, hardly holding their weapons as they lay clasped loosely on their hands. Jack stood on the wood, noose looming behind him as the Captain looked forward as if he was almost in a daze. With his fingers tented, he looked on without as so much a care in the world. Below him, people muddled about, conversing in low murmurs as they watched the pirate with uncertain looks, some of disdain and others of pure disgust.

Lynn was there too, though not on the platform about to be hung for his crimes no, he was situated in the large crowd that was made up by the mass of many bodies, hat drawn low and eyes directed to the floor. The shadows the brim offered him the solace in remaining unidentified. Though Norrington had to- by law, sentence Jack to hand. There was no course of action when it came to Lynn as he was technically out of their power. So upon docking, Lynn had slipped amongst the crowds with Will in tow and had been mulling about with the commoners ever since. The change of scenery was much appreciated yet he would have preferred to be sailing away on a grand ship than stuck in a sea of overly perfumed individuals.

"Jack Sparrow," A man donned in calf-high socks, the ridiculous wig those in affiliation with the Governor had to wear, and a long robe of beige cleared his throat and read the beginnings of Jacks Sparrows' crimes.

"Captain. It's Captain Jack Sparrow." Lynn heard the Captain mutter, and though he couldn't see him for his gaze was focussed solely on the tips of the boots he had changed into, Lynn could tell the captain would have been most likely suiting a look of pure annoyance. Lynn would have changed back into his usual sea clothes if it had not been for the fact that they would have to go back on to land mere hours later. As such, Lynn had forced himself into commoner's clothes, hiding the use of his cane within the long coat he wore.

"-for your willful commission of crime against the crown... said crimes being numerous in quantity..." The man began the speech and Lynn could tell it would most likely go on for a while if they were to even mention half the things Jack had been accused of in the past year.

"-and sinister in nature..." Lynn lifted his head up slightly, drowning out the man's words as he looked to the crowd around him and- seeing their eyes all focussed elsewhere, glanced at Jack for a mere second to gauge his reaction.

"-the most egregious of these to be cited here: piracy, smuggling, impersonating an officer of the royal navy... impersonating a cleric of the church of England... " Will pushed through the crowd, now dressed in a feathered hat and similar clothes to those around him. It was useful when it came to blending in but now even Will couldn't help but feel the itch to tear off his clothes and replace them with the silky oversized shirts he wore aboard the Interceptor and the Black Pearl.

"-sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping..." A bird squawked overhead and both Lynn and Will cast a discreet look upwards. As Lynn looked through his lashes with hooded eyes, he could just barely see the flurry of color that accompanied Mr. Cotton's Parrott wherever the man went, though the sight of the fairly annoying bird made Lynn want to smile, he refrained by hiding it under his stoic features of neutrality.

"depravity... deprivation...." The announcer droned on and Lynn wondered briefly if he kidnapped the man and made him read the bible to him every night, just how fast he could be lulled to sleep with the inexpressive voice the man used. He felt a new figure replace the old one at his side, this person was much warmer, seemingly emitting a sense of calmness as their shoulders touched. Lynn looked with a side glance to see Will looking determinedly forward, Lynn following in suit.

"-for these crimes, you have been sentenced to on this day hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul." The man finished and Mr. Cottons parrot squawked again. Jack knew just as much as Lynn that his crew was most likely stationed along the waters of Port Royals docks and now it was only a matter of escaping the grounds before they would once again be out to sea. Though that particular group found themselves rescuing one another more times in a single week than they had in a year, it had trained them to expect each outcome and more specifically, how to cause an effective diversion.

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