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I sighed as I cleaned up table 4, sure I loved kids but they left such a mess after eating. As I bent over and wiped the table I felt a sharp feeling on my ass, I turned around to see a familiar face. I had a shocked face, he just slapped my ass.

"Hey baby.." He smelled like beer

"Um sir please keep your hands to yourself."

"Last night you didn't seem to mind." He grinned stepping closer, he must've been at the club last night.

"Please do not mix my night job with my morning job, is there anything I can get you?" I smiled politely taking out my notepad.

"Yeah some of that ass." He wrapped his arms around my waist and grabbed my ass, I kicked him in the nuts and ran behind the counter. I hid behind my co-worker Max, he's the only one here that knows about my evening job, I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone else. 

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave the café." Max said projecting his voice.

"Me? That slut kicked me in the balls!"

"Because you touched her inappropriately, please leave." He gestured his arm towards the door, the man grunted and stomped out. Max turned to me with worried eyes while slowly caressing my cheek. I gave him a small smile, his eyes the darted to my chest, shit I forgot to cover my bruises. His eyes changed to anger, he let out a sigh and place his forehead against mine. "Why do you let him keep hurting you?"

"I-I can't stop him.... he's my dad." He let out another side and gave me a weak smile while placing a kiss on my forehead. Then the door opened causing bells to jingle, Max let out a frustrated and exhausted sigh, I giggled a little before he turned towards the people. 

Max is a really good friend of mine... he's also my only friend. He cares for me when no one else gives me a second look. One day my dad got a little too much and I had to run, I had no where to go so I sat on a bench at the bus stop. I didn't have many clothes on so many men's gaze were on me, many tried things but gave up when I didn't talk. But when Max talked to me, his voice was warm and soft he didn't have any intention of hurting me. 

He brought me to his house and gave me clothes to change in, he helped me with all my cuts and bruises. Whenever I was kicked out or when it got too much I would run to his house and he would always welcome me with open arms. He doesn't like my second job at all because I'm 'throwing my body' at men and asking for unwanted attention but he understands I need the money. I don't go to school anymore because my dad stopped paying the bills for it, he also decided to stop paying for the house because he didn't care where I ended up. So that's why I took stripping, it helped pay the house and everything. 

He's the only person I have in this world and I don't know what I'd do without him, the only problem is that he's hot... like really hot. He attracts several girls all the time, the girls decide to be bitchy to me whenever I'm around because of my relationship with him. I tell them we're only friends but they don't care. I have one other friend, Merci. She's Max's ex-girlfriend, they don't hate each other, they just stopped liking each other. We're a good friend group but Merci moved a few months ago leaving me here with Max, I miss her and I facetime her a lot but it's not the same.

"Yo, Lia!" Max said, snapping me out of my memory lane. I hummed in response, "Table 6." I nodded and walked over to table 6, there were four men. They looked quite intimidating, they all had some type of scar and multiple tattoos on their bodies. They just sat there with their sleeves rolled up showing off their expensive watches, I sighed and made myself noticeable.

"Hello! Welcome to Fence's Café, I'm Amelia and I will be your waitress today!" I said with a huge fake smile, I looked at each of their faces, they all looked unamused. 

"That's a first." Said one of them with his arms crossed, he had a little amusement on his face "We usually get kicked out of cafes, they scream 'monsters' or 'killers' but you.... Amelia..." I tensed at the way he said my name, the way it rolled off of his tongue was sensational".. come and welcome us with open arms. Why is that?" He said leaning in.

"I don't know what you're talking about sir, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Do you know who I am?" 

"No." I responded instantly

"Ohhh... careful sweetheart. You might've just bruised his ego." Said a blonde kid with curly hair and crystal blue eyes, I gave him a shy smile. They started to tell me their orders I wrote them down, when I went to Max and handed it to him.

"You ok?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked bending over the counter

"Nothing... they didn't... do anything to you right?"

I laughed at his comment "No Max they didn't do anything to me." I said mocking him, he rolled his eyes and passed me their order and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I walked over and placed their food in front of them.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I asked

"Yes... is that your boyfriend?" 

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