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Levi pov

I saw her shaking, why was she shaking? Was I too harsh on her? She looked... terrified of me, she just left. I looked to see the guys giving me an angry look "What?" They just shook their heads and at the food. I sat back in my chair with Cassie on my lap. 

"These are ass! She's a terrible baker!" She said throwing the food down, I took a bite of the food. It was heaven it just melted in my mouth. "But babe it was so hot the way you stuck up for me! I knew you'd come around, she's such a whore and she tries to take you away from me."

I just nodded, the guys ignored my gaze the whole time. Were they mad at me or something? A few hours passed and Cassie keeps grinding on my dick as if she could ever make it hard.... when I fuck her I think of Amelia. Cassie didn't turn me on one bit, I heard a knock at the door. 

"Come in." In came in Elijah, one of my favorite guards. "Elijah." I said with a smile on  my face

"Uh... sire. She's gone." I shot up causing Cassie to fall I heard an 'ow' but ignored it, "She left with Mary." The boys looked at me with fury in their eyes. 

"This is your fault! Why did you talk to her like that!" Jacob beamed, I would expect Karl to yell at me but Jacob?

"My fault?"

"You're so fucking clueless sometimes man! The way you yelled at her to protect a girl you don't even fucking love is insane! We see the way you look at her and the way you talk to her! You're fucking in love with Amelia but you're so stupid to not admit it! She makes you smile and happy! The one good this that's ever fucking happened to you and you chased her off to protect a fucking bimbo!" Jacob stormed out

"You really fucked up this time man." Karl said as Caleb nodded following Jacob. 

"Baby? You love me right?" Elijah was still standing there just as in shock as I was

"E, take her away. I don't want her anymore." Elijah nodded and threw her over his shoulder

"No! You love me! You love me don't you!" 

"E!" He stopped "Put her down." He placed her down, she knows too much. I shot her. "Dispose." He nodded as he dragged her body out

Original pov

"He's an ass..."

"I don't know what I saw in him... maybe the face mask and him wearing that headband." 

"He seems like a good person but... I don't know." Then there was a bang on the door, it frightened both of uh. I gave her a confused look and she shrugged mouthing 'I don't know' Mary got up and looked through the peak hole, she smiled and opened the door to reveal Jacob with pizza boxes in his hands.

"Jay-Jay!" She said hugging him

"Hey baby, I missed you so much. Work was such a pain today." He whined and he kissed her, I've never seen him so vulnerable before. He looked up and saw me, I waved. "I knew you'd be here."

"Don't tell Levi please!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, he annoyed me today when he did that to you. I would've want you to punch him but you already broke his nose." 

"You what!!!"

"Oh right... Mary I broke Levi's nose. He was being a dick." She rolled her eyes.

"When is he not." We laughed, we were just watching movies and eating pizza all night. Jacob had to go since he lives in the mansion. 

"Bye Jay!"

"Bye Lia." He walked out not before giving his lovely Mary a kiss.

"He is wrapped around that skinny finger of yours."

"Maybe..." I giggled, I got ready for bed and snuggled up next to her. I had so many thoughts in my head but I had to sleep. 


It's been a week since I've been at the mansion, I haven't gone to school because I know the boys will be there. Jacob has come by everyday and told me how Ethan is asking for me, I kind of forgot about him. I woke up to my alarm, fuck I had to go to school today. Mary was still sleeping, I kissed her on her forehead and walked to school. She didn't live too far from it, when I walked in everyone was staring at me. 

I walked to my locker and grabbed some books "Melia!" I turned and smiled... Ethan.

"Hey Eth!" I said leaning my shoulder on the lockers

"Where've you been?"

"Quarantining, I just needed a break from things."

"Mmm cool! Well I'll see you in class yeah?" I nodded and he kissed me on my cheek. I closed my locker and saw the boys heading straight towards me.

"My baby!!!" Karl yelled hugging me while picking me up, he started planting kisses all over my face "I missed you!"

"Hey Kar-kar." I kissed his cheek as he put me down, I did the same to Caleb and just hugged Jacob. 


School was over and it was a normal day, I didn't really feel anything. I kind of wanted to drop out but when I stepped out of school I saw him leaning against his black lambo talking to the guys. "For fuck sake!" 

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