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I explained what happened, their eyes were wide. "I-I didn't mean to. I wasn't thinking straight, he probably hates me!" 

"Love he far from hates you, we've never seen him so caught off." Karl said, Caleb sighed

"I have to go love." I pouted "I know, I know. I promise for a short time this time, you can call me and I'll answer. I love you buba." He kissed my forehead and passed me onto Karl's lap.

"By Cal-Cal." He smirked and winked at me before leaving, I turned to Karl who gave me a rare smile.

"Come one." He carried me bridal style to my bed "Time for bed." I clung to him and shook my head.

"Stay with me please..."

"Bo- Levi will kill me." I nodded as he tucked me in and kissed my forehead and cheek. "Good night sweetheart." 

"Good-night Kar-Kar." I turned to my side and closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. It's been a few hours and I still haven't fell asleep, I'm still in the same position. I hear the door creak open, I fought my urge to see who it was. I felt the bed dip as a familiar pair of hands stroked my hairs.

"I know you're sleeping, but I love you weather you like me or don't even think on me like that. You are reason for living, you are my heart... you own it. Please.. don't pull something like that again I almost had a heart attack. I can't breathe without you, I hate the way those men look at you. With hungry and just wrong intentions, I look at you with lust and proudness. You've worked so hard to become that good, god I don't know when I'll be able to tell you this to your face but I was once told if you talk to someone in their sleep they have a dream of everything you say... that's what I'm doing now. I'm not going to stay here because I don't want to scare you when you wake up but if you have a nightmare today I will be here. I hope you know that." He kissed my cheek and it instantly became warm.

"Good-night my love." I smiled when he said that but he was too far to notice.


I was singing in the kitchen with Mary, as we pretended the wooden spoons were microphones. We didn't even notice Karl, Caleb, James and Levi staring at us, we also started dancing like lunatic. Then I noticed them I screamed and hid behind Mary, I wasn't really wearing.... clothes. I was wearing a cropped white tee tank with no bra and you could see my nipples and I has wearing short house shorts... you could see everything. 

"Geez! Giving a girl a heart attack!" Mary yelled, the boys just laughed. "Anyways we're going back to the dance room... if you boys want to watch." She said seductively as we walked by them, I kept my eyes glued on the floor.

I played some music and we started to stretch, I put on a bra quickly. "Sad they didn't come... you know James is hot." Mary said

"James? Are you mental? He's a fucking douchebag!"

"Ok... you're spending too much time with these boys. You're curing too much!"

"And spending time with you would be better?"

"Well no... damn I really thought they were going to come." I walked over to her.

"The mirror is a window... their probably on the other side." I whispered in her ear, she nodded making a 'O' shape with her mouth.

"Ok... your solo yesterday was ass. You need to work on your splits."

"MY SPLITS!" I hated splits, she motioned me to the floor. I started doing what she told me, I was in pain. I hated dancing with Mary she was so exotic and flexible. "MARYYYYY" I whined while she made me do an upside down split on the pole.

"No! Hold it!" I did as she said but was then distracted by voices "Hold it..." She scolded, I looked at the mirror to see all the boy sweating. Their eyes scanned my body as they licked their lips. "Release." I got off, my legs felt like jelly and so did my arms, I just sat down.

"I can't move..." I whined.

"Mary.. I think that's enough for today." I turned to see Caleb, he picked me up bridal style "She can't even walk. She feels more sluggish that usual." 

"Ok wimp, I'm going to continue." I saw James leaning against the door frame admiring Mary, I stuck my tongue out at him and he returned it.


"You did it first!"



"Children... children calm down please." Caleb said, he brought me to my room and laid next to me on my bed.

"I thought you were leaving..."

"I am, I pushed it back to I could see you dance." I smiled

"You were watching thought the fake mirror?"

"Yes... how'd you know?"

"Levi told me about it." Then my door swung open to reveal a Levi, I haven't talked to him. 

"What the..."

"It's not what it looks like bo- Levi! She was tired from dancing!"

"Leave!" Caleb bowed his head and left without giving me a second look, Levi pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So you kiss me... grind on me... leave me with a huge boner.... to sleep with my friend?"

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